2 Timothy 2:8-10 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Timothy 2:8-10, which read, 

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel, for which I suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal; but the word of God is not imprisoned.  For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory.

"Timothy, be an on point active soldier; be a prize running athlete of integrity; and be a hard-working farmer tending for a future harvest" is a summary of Paul's words to Timothy about being strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  These word pictures help us to see our proper attitudes and actions on giving the gospel message out to others.

Paul now tells Timothy the greatest example to follow after.  He says to remember Jesus Christ; the One risen from the dead; and the One who was prophesied to come from the line of David.  This is the One in which Paul has been put in prison for as a criminal for being a Christian, a follower of Jesus.  This verse has a "creed" feel as something maybe the early Christians would say together to keep doctrinally true to what Jesus gave the Apostles.  Jesus' resurrection from the dead is central to the Christian faith.  You can not have Christianity without this fact of Jesus' resurrection held in faith.

Paul pours out his life for the chosen of God who will obtain salvation and eternal glory.  Paul does not know who these are because only God knows and so he evangelizes with his words and actions to those God has put around him even if it puts him in prison.  In prison, there are guards and the message of Christ doesn't cease from Paul's lips as he evangelizes them.  His surroundings may change but the message does not.  He may be imprisoned but the Word of God is not for it is with him to share with others no matter where he is. 

I think we sometimes are waiting for the just right moment and the just right atmosphere and the just right feeling to come over us before we act.  Paul did not do this.  The spreading of the gospel was the given and the surroundings were the variable which could change all the time.  I have passed a lot of opportunities to say or do things for God because I was "waiting for the right moment" and the moment became more important than what needed to be said of God or done for God. 

I was at a gas station and there was a man going through the trash cans looking for cans and bottles to return for deposit.  I don't know what he was using the deposit money for but he must have been desperate to be in public going through garbage to find that can or bottle for the ten cent deposit.  I didn't have any money on me other than to pay for the gas I was pumping but I did have some bottles and cans in the trunk.  The Spirit was prompting me to open up the trunk and say, "Here are some more if you would like them and I may have a bag in here to put them in."  I didn't.  I walked into the gas station and while paying I resolved to do so when I got back out to the car.  Guess what?  He was gone.  Missed opportunity to do something because instead of listening to God telling me to do so, I was waiting for something else.  Sounds stupid doesn't it.  I was waiting for all the answers about what he might do with the deposit money rather than listening to God say "do it."  A lesson God put me through to teach me to respond to His voice rather than my feelings.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, may I know that You are going to put me in surroundings that are irregardless to the gospel being said or shown.  The Great Commission isn't just for the right time and place but for all times and all places.  May I be so in tune with You that when You speak to do Your will according to Your Scriptures that I act on it rather than wonder if I should or allow Satan to make up some excuse not to.  The blessing was lost both ways that day.  Forgive us for not listening and obeying Your direction to do Your will to those You have put around us this day.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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