1 Timothy 5:24, 25 says...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 5:24, 25, which read, 

v.24 - The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgement; for others, their sins follow after.

Paul is finishing up his conversation with Timothy over the topic of elders or overseers.  He has told Timothy that this selection is very important and not to be hasty about it.  Because of some men's open sins, they will disqualify themselves because it is evident that they should not fill this office.  Others have sins that are hidden but will become evident after a time because God will reveal those sins to protect His family.

Is my sin evident or is it hidden?  Which is better?  If it is evident then anyone can point it out to me and the need to confess it and then repent of it to receive the forgiveness of God.  If it is hidden then someone has to get close enough to me to see it when the crowd is not looking to point it out.  It goes un-confessed and therefore I have an unrepentant and un-forgiven heart in relationship to this sin that goes against what God says.  The hidden sins have a lot of rationalizations that I have created to keep them hidden. 

Know this that God will bring it to light and especially when it comes to someone who is to be caring for His flock.  Jesus shows us this as He exposed the Pharisees and scribes in the Gospels.  They were suppose to be the keepers of the Law and the administrators of care to the family of Israel.  Jesus came in close and said "woe" to them many times to unseat them and set up true spiritual leadership for His family. 

v.25 - Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise canned be concealed.

What is done right, evident or hidden, follows this same principle.  If the man has good deeds that are evident, all can see and affirm him for the position because they see the fruit of the Spirit coming from him.  If the man has good deeds that are hidden, then God will make those known to others because He cares for His family to have genuine spiritual leadership. 

We are relying on God to give us the very evident and public displays of true spiritual leadership through this instruction in His Word about what overseers are to be like and we are relying on Him to reveal what is concealed from us so we can know of this man's character when no one is looking.  Paul is instructing Timothy on the reliance of God that needs to be a big part of this process.  Timothy will see evident qualifiers and dis-qualifiers and God will reveal hidden qualifiers and dis-qualifiers.

Some of our good deeds will be evident to all.  They will be public and not hidden.  They are not public to draw attention to ourselves and how great we are but to inspire others in the body of Christ to do the same.  An example of this is Jesus washing of the disciples' feet that was public for them all to see.  Other good deeds will only be seen by the Father.  They will be hidden from the general public.  Kept hidden, they are easier to keep the focus on God's glory and not our own.  Some examples of this are Jesus leaving the crowds and crossing a lake to meet with one guy to relieve him of His distress and Jesus sending all out of the room before performing a great miracle.

What do I do with hidden sin that is not hidden from God or an evident sin that is seen by all?  I, as a Christian, confess it and repent of it and ask for God's forgiveness.  What do I do with a seen good work that is witnessed by others or a hidden good work that is seen only by God?  I, as a Christian, keep the focus no matter if public or hidden on God's glory and not my own.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, thank You for protecting Your flock.  Thank You for making evident what is hidden.  We love to hide but a hidden life is not real freedom in You.  May we do as Your Word says about sin, evident or hidden, so that we can serve You openly and behind the scenes with good works prepared for us by You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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