1 Timothy 6:3-5 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 6:3-5, which read, 

If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.

We will deal with this long sentence that focuses on the negative side of this dialogue between Paul and Timothy.  Timothy is receiving instruction from Paul on leading the church in Ephesus in regards to the leadership structure and actions of Christians with one another and the world.  These instructions and measures are given to protect the church and keep it on the path according to Jesus' instruction given to the Apostles.  Let's take this long sentence apart. 

  • "advocates a different doctrine" - Someone is preaching a different message than what is in Scripture.  Their savior is someone or something else than Jesus Christ. 

  • "does not agree with sound words" - Someone is rejecting the words of Scripture to be followed and even Jesus' words given Himself.  Their bible is another book. 

  • "does not agree with the doctrine conforming to godliness" - Someone is living a life not based on Scripture and therefore it results in an ungodly life and its characteristics.  Their actions follow the direction of their savior and their book.

What does that ungodly life look like?  Here is the list:  conceited, understanding nothing, morbid interest in controversial questions, disputing about words, envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, constant friction, depraved mind, deprived of the truth, and hypocrisy.

There is nothing good here.  The Holy Spirit convicts us through the words of Scripture of what is right and wrong, what is sin and what is not, and a common tactic of the one following another savior and holding onto another book is to argue against it.  They try to bring up controversies and inconsistencies in the Bible but either they never hang around to hear the explanation or they don't except the evidence given with sound instruction.  Many times these "discussions" go another level and words become weapons and then they go to another level to attack the person holding to the truth rather than just the truth itself.  I don't need to remind you that these actions can also be used by the Christian when fielding some of these accusations.  We can resort to words that we shouldn't use and turning our aim on the person rather than the position that was raised.

The ultimate tactic of the ungodly is to act godly to get some personal gain out of it.  Someone on the inside really isn't on the inside but looks like it for the purpose to pad themselves for some type of profit.  "If I can't beat them then I will look like I am joining them but I am really not."  We typically calls these types of people "hypocrites" and unfortunately they have come to describe the Christian church because they are not following the ways of the Lord.  You may have meet some hypocrites in the Church but you have also met some Christians who are not perfect but genuinely living lives that pattern after the Scriptures.  The negative holds reign over the positive in the eyes of the public.  One bad apple spoils the bushel in time. 

So Paul gives Timothy the bad side but tomorrow we will look at the solution and the need to expose the bad so the bushel is not lost.  The Bible gives us plenty of observable things to see when it comes to ungodly behavior so that action according to Scripture can be taken to protect the flock and keep focus on the message of the gospel and not get side tracked.  May we not fall prey to the tactics of the ungodly when we interact with attacks from them for the Holy Spirit is convicting and exposing to them of their sin and the need of a savior.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, the attacks are sometimes vicious.  Satan baits us to use his language and his tactics against others.  Help us to resist those ways and keep with Your instruction from Your Word.  Help us to be the opposite by teaching Your gospel.  Help us to show our agreement with Your words.  Help us to live lives that are godly only because You are the only One good and we are following after You.  Keep us on the gospel and in Bible and applying it through our lives.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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