1 Timothy 5:1, 2 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 5:1, 2, which read, 

Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity.

Paul is giving Timothy instruction on how to rebuke those who need correction within the body of the church.  When an older man sins do this; when a younger man sins do this; when an older woman sins do this; and when a younger woman sins do this.  How to rebuke is the context of these two verses.  To rebuke is to speak to another about their conduct which is contrary to Scripture for the purpose of reconciliation to it through repentance.

The older man has sinned and Timothy is to rebuke that action according to Scripture but not to forget who he is addressing, an older man in the church.  He is to view him as if he is talking to his father who he respects and honors and who has been a provider and protector for him.  The words of the truth against sin will come out with a different tone, a tone of respect, when the sinner is considered.

The younger man has sinned and Timothy is to rebuke that action according to Scripture but not to forget who he is addressing, a younger man in the church.  He is to view him as if he is talking to his brother, like himself, who shoulder such responsibility and provide much of the physical energy and future of the church.  The words of the truth against sin will come out with a tone of challenge to pursue the right that the sinner has stepped away from.

The older woman has sinned and Timothy is to rebuke that action according to Scripture but not to forget who he is addressing, an older woman in the church.  He is to view her as if he is talking to his mother who gave him life and provided basic needs of care on a daily basis.  She is the one who looked after him when he was at his lowest physically, mentally, and emotionally.  The words of the truth against sin will come out with a tone of compassion that has been displayed so many times from that person to him.

The younger woman has sinned and Timothy is to rebuke that action according to Scripture but not to forget who he is addressing, a younger woman in the church.  He is to view her as if he is talking to his sister, one who is loved and would never want anyone to take advantage of her.  The words of the truth against sin will come out with a tone of precision to the Word so that God's standards are held high morally.

The word for "appeal" which is to be applied to all groups is to "come alongside."  You come alongside of someone to help them, to strengthen them.  The rebuke, the correction, the guidance back to Scripture is not to be done with a pointed finger from afar but it is to be done alongside of one another for the purpose of not just pointing it out but pointing and walking with them in the right direction.  

The rebuke is needed and many times it is avoided because no one likes confrontation but it does more harm than good when it is swept under the rug.  The rebuke needs to come when Scripture has been violated but may we come alongside that older man, younger man, older woman, and younger women with respect to who they are in our lives to dictate our tone and demeanor when we address this issue of sin. 

Preaching is hard because you have a mixed group in front of you.  You are addressing the truths of Scripture and at times rebuking sinful activities but in front of you are all these groups who will take the information differently in response.  If I were one on one with them, I would strive to adjust my tone, not the truth, accordingly.  Let's look at the sinner and not just the sin today and pray for others to do the same with us as fellow sinners saved by grace.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, such practical instruction from Paul to Timothy today.  Rebuking of the sin, the violation against Your words, needs to be preached in a general way to learn it but also needs to be addressed individually with those we consider our spiritual fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters.  May we adjust our tone to the sinner as we uphold Your unwavering truth against sin.  May we come alongside others to walk with them back toward Your path of righteousness and accept their arm when we need to be brought back.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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