2 Timothy 2:14, 15 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Timothy 2:14, 15, which read, 

v.14 - Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers.

"Remind them" and who is the "them?"  The "them" are the faithful ones and others taught who Timothy has been entrusting with what he has received from Paul and who are teaching others also.  Remind them to be good active soldiers on point and integrity running athletes running for the finish line and hard-working farmers for a harvest of souls.  Remind them of Jesus who raised from the dead.  Remind them that he, Paul, is in prison because of that fact.  Remind them that what needs to be broadcasted to those that God has put around them is that if we died with Christ, we will live with Him and if we endure with Christ, we will reign with Him.  Remind them to broadcast that if we deny Christ then Christ will deny us and if we are faithless to Christ, Christ will still be faithful to fulfill His Word in the proper judgment.

Timothy is given the instruction by Paul that this message may get muddied up with other words.  Others might want us to focus on other topics or argue about very little details to debate or argue over.  To not participate in those discussions is Paul's instruction to Timothy and the faithful ones and others taught.  The result of doing so leads the hearers of those discussions to "ruin."  It leads to those hearers not hearing the saving gospel of Jesus Christ but seeing what seems to be two Christians arguing and who wants to be a part of that?

It makes me think of some of the discussions I see in the public comments of Facebook.  Some conversations that probably should be face to face or at least more private in an e-mail or a private message are aired for hearers who are not saved to have its effect not in the positive.  It is not that we shouldn't address issues of falseness but in the midst of hearers, we need to keep on point with the gospel and recognize this is Satan's ploy to divert the conversation away from Christ. 

v.15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

Paul instructs Timothy and the faithful ones and the others taught to be diligent to live holy lives and to also to be diligent with the study of God's Word to be able to handle it.  We are to be workmen who are working with the Word of God, touching the raw material, daily and working with it directly to apply to our lives.  You are so familiar with it because you are spending time with it.

There is no other way than this.  There is no one special course, video series or Bible study that will accomplish this in one setting.  It takes us, individually, sitting down with the Holy Spirit's help at our disposal to understand and apply what we are reading.  We draw from many resources and good teachers in which I work diligently to be one for you, but that doesn't replace your own working with the Word.  The Word is needed when those words come up that Satan wants us to wrangle with that are useless in the midst of the hearers.  The Word will keep us on point of God's will and God's ways.

Tomorrow will bring more instruction on more of Satan's ploys to keep Paul, Timothy, the faithful ones, and the others taught to divert their attention to something other than the gospel message.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we pray today for the families who have lost loved ones in the service of our country.  Be with them as they remember and gather around graves today signified with those little American flags.  Also, be with us to be with You through Your Word today.  Help us to keep our conversation in front of others from arguing about "belly button" issues and keep on point about the God who sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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