1 Timothy 5:3-8 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 5:3-8, which read, 

v.3, 4 - Honor widows who are widows indeed; but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God.

Timothy receives instruction from Paul for a specific group of people in the church, the widows.  He is going to receive detailed instruction on how to identify, evaluate, and give direction to those who are in this position.  The first are the widows who have family, children or grandchildren.  Paul tells Timothy that they are to return to their families for support.  This support is more than just financial but that is a big part of it.  Just as the church family is to care for each other, the earthly family is to do the same and rightly be the example for the church family to follow.  This action by the family is acceptable in the sight of God.  Taking family back in who are in need as evident by the losing of a mate is within the will of God.  This instruction gives direction on what to do when a widow is found without her mate and she has family. 

v.5, 6 - Now she who is a widow indeed and who has been left alone, has fixed her hope on God and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day.  But she who gives herself to a wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives.

What to do if a widow has no family to rely on?  The widow is to be provided for by the church.  We are talking of the widows who know the Lord, who have fixed their hopes on the Lord and have actions that show fruit of it.  There are other widows who are not of the church or of the faith and they will take advantage of the situation of provision to live a life of pleasure and ungodliness.  They need another kind of help, for their soul.  Paul is making a distinction here to help Timothy understand the discernment of who is to be helped in a more permanent way if needed because there is no family other than the family of God.

v.7, 8 - Prescribe these things as well, so that they may be above reproach.  But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

This is a real life situation that Timothy is dealing with in the life of the church in Ephesus.  Widows were not being cared for by their families and some widows were taking advantage of the generosity of the church to live wicked lives.  To the families who are not providing, a stern warning from God to realize the error of action when not providing for their own.  To the widow who is not living a godly life, a stern warning from God of her spiritual state as dead even as she lives.  Both of these situations need to be corrected so that the families and widows can be "above reproach."

Tomorrow we will look more at the spiritual life of the widow and also the care given by the church but Paul ends this thought focused on the families who are not providing for their own widows.  They have the means or they have the room but they do not lift a finger to help in the situation.  They do not take the responsibility to provide the care if by them or by others for those truly in need.  Strong words come from Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that if these are the actions than that family doesn't know the faith, has denied it by not "loving one another" and all those other compassionate one anothers, and is worse than an unbeliever who doesn't know the Lord but many times do what they are not doing. 

Clear cut words in the Scripture of what to do when we are faced with this situation.  I fear it has not be followed by many Christians who focus on their own pleasures rather than following the will of God.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, there will always be those in need.  We need help with discernment of what to do and thank You for Your scriptures that help us understand Your will.  May we take the responsibility of our earthly families to care for those widows in need.  May we take the responsibility of our heavenly families to care for those widows with no earthly families to care for them also.  Guide us to know the best way to help and follow through rather than look from afar.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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