1 Timothy 5:17-22 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 5:17-22, which read, 

v.17, 18 - The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.  For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing," and "The laborer is worthy of his wages."

Paul gives Timothy some instruction now on the treatment of the overseers who are also called elders and pastors in the Scriptures.  There are some who deserve "double honor" or more than the others in respect and provisions to continue to do what?  They preach and they teach and they work hard at it.  The definition for "work hard" means to the point of fatigue or exhaustion so it is truly working hard at preaching and teaching the flock of God.

These are compared to in Scripture as an ox on the threshing floor and a laborer.  You don't want the ox to stop working during the threshing and you don't want the laborer to stop laboring in the midst of the work so you feed them.  You give them what they need so that they keep on going.  You don't want the ox to stop and lay down and you don't want that laborer to run out of steam while on the job.  They will rest at a different time but not right now.  Provide for them to accomplish their tasks is the instruction that Paul gives to Timothy. 

v.19, 20 - Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.  Those who continue to sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.

There will be accusations against overseers and pastors.  People will bring up charges against them and we protect these men by not going along with accusers unless it is established by two or three witnesses.  This Biblical principle is found in Matthew 18 and is carried through to the leadership of this church.  This principle is not only an avenue of reconciliation and restoration of someone straying from God's ways but it is also an avenue of protection to those who will have accusations brought against them by those who are wishing to attack rather than to see holy living.

Those leaders who have been found sinning because of the two or three witnesses bringing up the issue in a Biblical way are to be addressed publicly.  Sin is not to be swept under the rug.  It is to be dealt with and when it is it helps the rest of the congregation to respect the ways of the Lord.  We tend to think that it would hurt the church but it really helps it.  The church grew after the severe discipline of the Lord to Ananias and Sapphira.  I think that God is waiting for His church to deal with the sin within before He adds to the number of the flock there.  He compassionately waits and doesn't add to the number any that would be hindered by the sin that is allowed to linger.

v.21, 22 - I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.  Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin. 

This treatment toward overseers and pastors is to be taken very seriously.  It is a charge to keep in the presence of God and Christ Jesus and the heavenly hosts to hold to these principles given on the selection of overseers and pastors.  We are not to put someone into that position that is not holding presently to these qualities.  Too many times people have been put in or have put themselves in as spiritual leaders in the church who were not so spiritual.  They had been there the longest or their family was a prominent name in the community and the church or they were on other boards so they were thought of to be good on the church board.  When we don't follow the principles that are set up by God then we are setting ourselves up for disaster within the church.

Paul tells Timothy to slow down the process and to not put his hands of commissioning on these men so fast.  There should be a certainty of their spiritual nature because it has seen in action.  The fruit of their spiritual lives has been witnessed within the church, within their homes, and throughout the community.  You are just affirming what God is already doing through their lives.  These selections should be unanimous among the overseers of the church.  

The church is to be protected and we protect it by adhering to the commandments given by God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  These are not suggestions or a possible format to follow but they are lists to go down through and apply directly to the body of believers.  When we don't, we set up the church to allow Satan's foot in the door to do his havoc among the members.  How do we preserve the church?  We don't ignore His words.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, what lengthy instruction You give about the spiritual leadership of the church.  You want us to know what these men are to look and act like.  You want us to protect them from the attacks of Satan that will come because they are working hard at preaching and teaching Your word.  You want Your church to be holy and You have given us the commandments to follow to follow after You and to be holy as You are holy.  We know that even this instruction is not of our doing but given by You and the following after You is a response to what You have revealed to us.  We pray today for those overseers that You have placed in the church to lead Your flock here.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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