Galatians 6:6-10 says,...

Today's verses are Galatians 6:6-10, which read,

v.6 - The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.

Paul has turned a corner with his readers.  It has been a sharp rebuke for following after "another" gospel and a point by point explanation again of the "true" gospel of Jesus and Jesus alone.  In the last study and this one, Paul is focusing on how we are to live in light of the gospel.

The first instruction here is to share with others what God is doing in your life, specifically to the one or ones who are teaching you.  I think in our time we also do not do this enough.  Jesus could definitely be more a part of our conversations with each other.  Is it that we think we need something really "big" to say about Him?  Is it worthy to talk about what He has been speaking to you to pray about?  What about that random thought that He planted in your mind when you saw something or heard something?  What about just simply saying, "I love Jesus so much because..."

v.7, 8 - Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

The second instruction is to acknowledge a law of agriculture.  If I planted a carrot seed, I will get a carrot plant.  I will not get a radish plant.  I will not get something other than what I planted so it matters what I plant and it will determine what the outcome is.  We can't mock God to think that we can change this process.

I can either spend my life on me or I can spend my life for God.  If I spend my life on me, it will lead to corruption.  If I spend my life for God, it will lead to eternal life.  I can't think that if I spend my life on me that I will receive eternal life.  If I spend my life for God, I will not see corruption.  God has set the rules here and we can't change them.

v.9, 10 - Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.  So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

"Doing good" is work at times.  It taxes our heart and can make us weary.  It is not all "peaches and cream" as my mother used to say.  The great promise here is that we will reap something but in "due time."  I think we want the pat on the back immediately.  The promise is that in "due time" we will reap the blessing that God will give us.  If you don't get instant reward for something that you have done then it is good because God will reward you instead of man rewarding you.

A distinction is given here to do good "...especially to those who are of the household of faith."  We are to do good to all but when it comes to the people you worship with on a regular basis, you are to make sure that you step up when you are given the opportunity.  Again, in our culture, we are so independent that maybe the hard part of this instruction is "receiving" of the help from a brother or sister in Christ.  When we refuse it, remember that they are just following the instruction of Scripture and especially with you, a brother or sister in Christ.  Maybe it is not so much the task that needs help but rather the time together around the task.

"Lord, a lot of sharing today.  Sharing You with others and especially those who teach me.  Sharing in sowing my life for You to result, by Your doing, an eternal life.  Sharing in good works with others and the body of Christ that makes us interact with the world you have put us in during this opportunity of life that You have given us.  May I share today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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