Galatians 6:1-5 says,...

Today's verses are Galatians 6:1-5, which says,

v.1, 2 - Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.  Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

This is so hard to do.  You see a brother or sister in Christ "caught" in a sin.  You see them sin and it quickens in your heart that you should say something.  It might be right at that moment or it might be later.  Most likely it would be later when you are one on one, you have had time to pray about the situation and your heart is humbled to gentleness to speak the truth in love.

What is also hard to do is to be the person on the receiving end of this.  You, who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, know this scripture so it shouldn't be surprise to you that someone who was spiritual in your life brings up something they saw you do or heard something that you said that was sinful and addresses it.  It is very hard to take correction correctly.

v.3-5 - For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another.  For each one will bear his own load.

It is so easy to cross over the line.  I think I did last night in speaking with some people at the church after the service.  When I went home I realized that all of my part of the conversation was about me and about what I had done.  I definitely was the hero of my own stories.  It was not that the content wasn't good or the lesson learned through the event I was sharing wasn't worth sharing but I was uncomfortable on my walk home on who I was pumping up.  It is not that I shouldn't have shared those stories but it was that Jesus needed to be central to the story and not me.  I couldn't have given the story or event without Him in my life and so I need make sure He is central to the story and not me.  I guess this is what you would call "examine his own work."

I feel that I crossed the line there personally.  I was "boasting" in something that I should have been giving praise to God because it was His work and not my own.  I assume that I am giving praise to God but did I really say that?  Is that how it came across to those who were listening?  Did they walk away saying, "We have a great God" after hearing the story that I told or did they walk away saying, "Pastor Adam is the best, and let's pat him on the back again!"?

A little self examination to say that we all need to realize our need for the Savior all the time, not just on the day of us accepting the call from Him for salvation but everyday of our lives.  We all need instruction and correction and sometimes we will be called on God to speak up with our brothers and sisters in Christ about sin.  Sin is a burden that we can receive help with from our brothers and sisters in Christ and then to personally bear the burden to Christ through repentance and forgiveness.

Too much in this passage, so I will stop with this.

"Lord, thank You for those in my life who care for me in those tough areas to address.  Help me to remember who is speaking to me and how much they love me and have loved me.  I won't like what I am hearing and might try to defend myself and my actions but please help me to see my sin that I couldn't see myself.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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