Proverbs 7:24-27 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 7:24-27, which read, 

v.24 - Now therefore, my sons, listen to me, and pay attention to the words of my mouth.

Solomon is giving instruction of wisdom to his sons and using many different teaching techniques for them to understand and retrain.  The last one was a detailed story of an onlooker watching what happens to those who are foolish when it comes to the dangers of sexual sins.  The actions and the schemes of the adulteress are told in graphic detail.

Solomon uses the word "therefore" which is a word that is created by combining words.  One part of the word indicates truth.  A truth has been experienced or known and you add to that a word that is a connector to another word.  The last word is that of activity, something needed to be done.  "A truth is known that leads to an activity to be followed" could be a longer definition of "therefore."  The truth is about the actions learned of the adulteress and the father is telling his sons the activities that should follow the knowing of that truth.  Solomon says to listen and to pay attention to him and his words.  Who are we paying attention to when it comes to knowing how to respond in a world that is full of sexual temptations? 

v.25 - Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, do not stray into her paths.

The instruction is very simple.  Don't follow her example and don't walk in her footsteps.  Wisdom is not complicated.  Wisdom is understandable for us to comprehend and act upon.  It is not a huge long formula to memorize but rather common sense played out in real life.  Don't get close to the adulteress which will engage your emotions that will tempt you to make excuses and follow through with things that are contrary to God's design. 

v.26 - For many are the victims she has cast down, and numerous are all her slain.

There are plenty of examples who have succumb to her ways and strayed into her paths.  You can see and experience them all around you who have gotten too close and were bitten by the bug of sin. Their lives have been forever changed and it is not just the weak who are vulnerable but also the strong.  We live in the digital age where you hear and read of even godly leaders who leave the wisdom of God's Word to engage in practices that devastate their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives of those in the church.  Take note of the outcome is the proverb. 

v.27 - Her house is the way to Sheol, descending to the chambers of death.

This activity does not get us closer to God but rather farther from Him.  This activity that we engage in is us moving away from the firm standing God and His Word.  God's house is the way to heaven and it ascends to the chambers of life.  This is another side by side comparison that we can make to emphasis the need to follow after His wisdom, instruction, and knowledge.

"Therefore," because of a truth I know, I move in the direction of an activity to follow.  The activity to follow is listening to God and paying attention to His words.  Simple wisdom keeps us from tremendous heart ache, destructive ways to us and our loved ones, and from being on the path to hell and death.  It's so simple but will we follow what it says?  Pull out the instruction manual today and avoid participating in the complicated pitfalls of sin.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we can understand because You have created us in a way to understand.  You are compassionate and loving to provide the instruction that we need to live lives glorifying of You and also protective of the consequences of potential sins.  Remind us as a parent of the love that we have for our children that we go to great lengths to protect them and that You do the same for us.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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