Proverbs 5:1-6 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 5:1-6, which read, 

v.1, 2 - My son, give attention to my wisdom, incline your ear to my understanding; that you may observe discretion and your lips may reserve knowledge.

Solomon gives his son the command to focus or give attention to what is being said and shown as wisdom.  He is calling for him to turn his ear to not only hear but to listen for the purpose of taking in important information that will be used.

This wisdom or very important information will help the son to observe discretion and reserve knowledge.  Wisdom is not only directions to us to what we say and do but also to what we do not say and do not do.  Wisdom at times keeps our mouths shut and our hands at our sides.  Discretion is a beautiful and protective thing in a world that thrives on doing and saying anything for that instant shock value.  A good Biblical example would be our Lord who held His tongue through the trials to those who were falsely accusing Him.  Oh what He could have said but He didn't. 

v.3-6 - For the lips of an adulteress drip honey and smoother than oil is her speech; but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.  Her feet go down to death, her steps take hold of Sheol.  She does not ponder the path of life; her ways are unstable, she does not know it.

Solomon gives us the contrast again of the person of wisdom on the path of life and the person of foolishness on the way of death.  The adulteress is in a wrong relationship not created by God between a man and a woman.  Their speech is sweet like honey but it is being spoken to the wrong person.  Their speech is smooth like oil but because it is being spoken to the wrong person, it ends up going from sweet to bitter and from being smooth to sharp.

The way of the adulteress because of being in a wrong relationship is headed toward Sheol or hell.  The adulteress is not only traveling down that way but they do not give attention or incline their ears to wisdom, they don't ponder it.  The person who is the adulteress doesn't consider what they are doing or saying in this wrong relationship as wrong and so they proceed on in this unstable condition.  The kicker is that they will take others with them through their sweet and smooth talk.

The ultimate wrong relationship where we can be an adulteress is with the Lord.  We cheat on Him.  We turn our thoughts to another.  We show affection to another god of our making.  We meet that other god in secret places and abandon the open relationship with the God who created us.

The obvious question this morning is how is your relationship with the Lord?  Have you been cheating on Him?  Has something or someone else taken His place in your life?  Are you through your words and actions actually leading others down the way instead of staying on the path?

In the proverb today, the wise is holding his or her tongue and the foolish is speaking freely with no consideration because a wrong relationship that has been established.  A right relationship with God has us listening intently to Him to know when to speak and when to refrain to keep in and grow that right relationship.  The foolish is the adulteress one and wise is the faithful spouse of God's ordained creation and order.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we have all experienced or observed maybe near or maybe far the impact of an adulteress relationship against your God ordained relationship of marriage.  We may also have experienced an adulteress relationship against our relationship with You and how we were drawn away by sweet talk that turned bitter and smooth talk that turned sharp.  May we realize the drawing affect we can have on others to lead them away from You or to You.  Help us to know when to speak and when keep quiet to maintain a growing relationship with You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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