Proverbs 5:21-23 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 5:21-23, which read, 

v.21 - For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He watches all his paths.

Solomon has been instructing his sons about the dangers and pitfalls of immorality.  There are tremendous consequences for not following God's created design for the one and only holy sexual relationship presented in the Scriptures.  There are also tremendous benefits for embracing all that God says about that relationship and the instructions on how we are to be a holy mate to our spouse.  We have also related these verses to the relationship that we have with God.  Are we in right relationship with Him or have we committed or are committing adultery presently with someone else, Satan?  Consequences or benefits, foolish or wise, where are you on this realm in relationship with your Creator.

Wherever you are, faithfully committed to your spouse or cheating on him or her, God sees and actually He also watches.  It is not just a glance from God that something is happening right or wrong but that He fixes His gaze on the situation that you have put yourself in.  God did not just create you and then He left the scene of your life.  God is actively watching how you treat your relationships in line with wisdom given from the Scriptures. 

v.22 - His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin.

Those who participate in sin attract others who do the same, it captures them.  Those who participate in sin are held in the bondage of their sin.  It looks like something has to be done with sin if we are going to be captured by someone other than the wicked and held or imprisoned by something other than our sinful behavior.

Who has gathered around you and what kind of hold is on your life?  Is the crowd gathering around you because of your holiness to God's wisdom or because of your foolishness to disregard it and do your own thing?  Are you held up in the arms of wisdom that is beyond your own or are you held down with the arms of the foolishness of your own doing?

v.23 - He will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray.

Solomon ends this chapter with the ultimate end of those who are foolish to the wisdom of God given about what is to be our moral purity to be followed.  If we do not follow God's designed plan then we set ourselves up for ultimate death and an absence from God's presence.  This takes us back to the ultimate relationship that we have and that is with Him.

He not only sees when we stray off the path of wisdom and go onto the way of the foolish but He watches for the return like the story of the Prodigal Son in the New Testament and the actions of the father.  He is a loving Father that gives both sides of the equation so you can see the good and the bad ahead of time.  He is giving you wisdom that if followed will spare you from consequences that the foolish will endure and acquire.  He is giving us a better way to be captured and held, in His arms instead of the arms of Satan and the wickedness of sin.  Are we listening now or are we just living life and we will learn this stuff maybe later after we have stumbled because we wanted to "live a little" before completely following after God?  

Solomon says and the Lord says that foolishness is not the better way and death comes to those who don't listen and follow God's instruction.  Are you listening now? Are you obeying now?  Are you dealing with sin in the proper way so it doesn't capture you and hold you down but it is released by God from your life so you can be held in His arms?  Questions, questions, questions.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, You watch for our return.  The return comes when we confess our sin; we say it is sin by Your definition; and we agree with You to repent of it.  We turn from our sin and to Your wisdom and instruction to follow and obey.  Show us today how we are being held by our sin and how we are attracting those who are not helping us in our walk with You but hindering it because we have not dealt properly with that sin by Your instruction of what is to be done with sin.  May our desire be to be in Your arms and held by You and none other.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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