Getting one more in...2 moms & 2 babies...1st play date? - Luke 1:39-56

Sometimes you need to do kid things with kids and it is extra special when they are your grandchildren. I'm in a snow fort made by a couple of them, a great Sunday afternoon activity next to the sledding luge that was constructed by Daddy and Grandma. A week with this part of the family was such a blessing to Stephanie and I. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Christmas Day, and Sunday gathering together allowed us some great worship time. Here is each in their forts... We are continuing our deep dive of the true Christmas story, a study in looking at the first coming of Christ as our sent and anointed of God Savior to the world. Mary rises up to see her cousin Elizabeth just as the angel Gabriel had said to do and she found everything just as he had said. Elizabeth and Mary's greetings brought a kick from John the Baptist in the womb of his mother. With a kick, he who is John the Baptist in the womb, announced as the messenger to the Messiah t...