Ask, Seek & Knock for what? - Matthew 7:8-14 - Here comes the 2s.


Two is a great number walking side by side in the same direction.  Maybe also single file traveling the same path to a share desired destination.  This kind of 2 can become 1 as the Bible says through the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman.  Our covenant journey is now in its 39th year and while earthly destinations on God's beautifully created earth are wonderful to see, it is our final destination to be with Him face to face will be the ultimate trek and arrival.  

This is a different 2 than what Jesus is speaking of in the Sermon on the Mount.  These 2s are opposites.  You can't serve 2 masters.  There are 2 gates and 2 roads and 2 designations with many more 2s to come.  As the song says, "One way or an another..."  Jesus is winding down His sermon with a final picture for them to ponder about the final destination of their lives.

Jesus starts this passage with 3 commands, ask, seek and knock.  But what is the context of this asking, seeking, and knocking?  His original audience are the disciples that have sat down on the hillside to hear His words about what a disciple of Christ is to be like.  Jesus expands it to beyond them by saying in effect, "Everyone who asks...seeks...knocks..."  The context is that of following after Him.  

Those who are asking are recognizing there is something missing in their lives.  There is a void that needs to be filled.  There is something that is lacking so they ask.  The verse says it will be given to you.  So whatever the answer is it is not coming from you.

Those who are seeking are pursuing what that answer might be.  We put ourselves in places and before others who might help us understand what is missing or lacking.  We search to know and have a drive to long for the something that is missing.

Those who are knocking have come to the door that needs to be opened.  Our responsibility is to knock but as before, the door is opened by another.  We are submitting to what or who is behind that door.  Monty Hall from the Let's Make A Deal show would ask the contestant to commit to door #1, door #2, or door #3.  You had to make a decision.  The door Jesus is talking about that someone knocks on involves repentance, commitment, submission and surrender.  A narrow door, one body wide and you need to leave all other "answers" at the threshold to get through.  He is the answer you have been asking about and seeking for.

In our condition of evil we can give good gifts (physical things) to those we are in relationship with but God who is "so much more" can give good things (constitution and nature) to those He has a relationship with.  Those who ask, seek and knock.



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