Anticipation with Information...various Scriptures


The aspens of Colorado continue to put on a display in every season.  Even with no leaves, they decorate the landscape.  May we do the same in the different seasons of our lives for the glory of God.  

Stephanie has always been such a big part of the ministries wherever we have been.  We have always been a team when it comes to where we can serve in the local church.  Stephanie and the ladies of SCC put on the annual Ladies' Christmas Brunch and it saw 50 ladies from 5 area churches and the community come in to hear her share the true message of Christmas and the gospel.  I am so thankful for her in my life.

Our passages showed us what the Jewish people knew about the coming Messiah.  I think it is a classic example of we hear and retain what we want to hear and retain.  We can do the same as they did when wanting to focus on one aspect of Jesus more than another.  They were looking for a victorious Messiah when all the of Scriptures painted a fuller picture of also a suffering and humbly serving Messiah.    

Jesus walks with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and explains Himself in all of the Scriptures.  He covers the good, the bad and the ugly of our and their responses to Himself.  Some follow, some betray, some crucify, some stop following, some make accusations, some bow down to, and some simply disregard Him.  These are all responses of our day too.

What will I do with the mountain of evidence that points to Jesus as the Messiah? He is the Son of God.  He is the Anointed One, the Son of David.  What will I do with the mountain of Scriptures that point not just to His first coming but also His second coming?  The One who has come with the precision of the fulfillment of the Scriptures given by God to the prophets will come again with the same precision of fulfillment.  The picture of His coming again is also not all a glorious scene for all.  It comes with judgment that involves not just conversations about heaven but also the reality of hell, forever separated from the presence of God.

We can have great anticipation about a new heaven and a new earth but we also have a lot of information about the 2 outcomes that Jesus instructs us about over and over.  Lord help us to communicate to our world a fuller picture of who You are and what is to come.



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