The final "therefore" and response - Matthew 7:24-29


A rock along the East Shore Trail up to Shadow Mountain Fire Tower.  Someone took the time to place a little encouragement along this 1500 elevation gain trail.  The sun was out and the trees were brilliant, especially against the green of the pines.  We were hot and tired when we got back to the car but it was a wonderful way to spend the morning and having our lunch with a view.

Jesus has given His disciples the final "therefore" of the Sermon on the Mount.  He winds up the 2s with 2 foundation, 2 houses, 2 men, and 2 outcomes.  There really is only one foundation as we read the passage.  Nothing the world has to offer is a foundation to build your life upon.  As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:11, "For no one can lay another foundation than that which was laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Jesus completes His formal teaching of what it means to be a disciple of His.  He has laid out a picture for His disciples to compare Himself to the religious leaders of the day.  His teachings and He Himself is what we are to build our life upon.  All other solutions lead to utter destruction on the broad road, fire as we follow the false teachers, not being known by God because we say but not do, and a great fall because the hear Jesus' saying and not do them.  

The great invitation is given to come to Him.  The crowds were astonished and follow for awhile but we will see in the future than many abandon Him.  Their emotions only take them so far and that is so true today.  Our faith can't be based on our emotions but rather on fact.  What fact?  That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  That God actually did John 3:16.  Emotions are great and God given but they are not the basis on which we endure the winds, rains, and floods of life.

We move on to the healing Jesus.  Later we will look at the preaching Jesus as Matthew unfolds the life of Christ.  Let me end with this observation from the passage this Sunday.  Jesus' definition of wisdom is someone who hears His sayings and puts them into action.  Jesus' definition of being foolish is someone who hears His sayings and doesn't put them into action.  Pretty simple definitions that keeps the focus on not just hearing but applying Jesus to our actual lives.



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