Monday Reflections...a Sunday of young and old

This Sunday I had a special moment with a 2nd grader in the morning worship service and another special moment with an elderly couple in an evening session.  These bookend events of my day and also representing the bookends of the life span let me see again how important the local church is to the soul.  Let me start with the young one.

Gabby, the 2nd grader, is a good representative of all the children of the church.  She comes faithfully with her parents and participates in the children's programs the church provides.  She is so comfortable with being in church that I think she probably knows of places to hide that I don't know about.  She has some great friends at the church, both young and old.  She dons a smile when you say her name.

This Sunday, during the morning worship service, we sang a song that I put some simple motions to.  The young ones jump right in and start mimicking my movements while a majority of the older ones just look at me waving my arms.

The first motion was to link arms as friends.  The second was to point from the east to the west.  The third was to put your hand over your eyes like you are looking far away.  The fourth was to draw in the air the symbol of infinity.  The last was to put your hand over your heart.  

The words of the chorus of the Matt Maher song are:

What a friend we have in Jesus.
East and west my sins are gone.
I see grace on every horizon.
And forever and ever my heart is His home.

Gabby, along with many of the other children, jumped in and started participating every time we sang the chorus.  The song finished and I had everyone sit down but called Gabby up on the platform with me.  With me on my knees and linked arms with Gabby at my side, we went back through the chorus a couple of more times and now everyone, young and old, were attempting the motions.

My little friend at church helped me get everyone involved.

On the other bookend of my day and of life was an elderly couple named Jim and Vickie.  They are appropriately proud parents and grandparents.  They put miles on their van to make it to family activities and events.  Jim and Vickie are not without their own physical trials but they soldier on when others might have given up.

We were together at a small group meeting and the subject turned to prayer.  Tears welled up in Vickie's eyes as she shared about a recent family event that has put Jim and herself crying out to God for help and guidance.  What struck me was how much gratitude was expressed even in this difficult time.  They were not complaining, even though no one would fault them for a little here or there, but they were so gracious for the life that they have been given.  

This elderly couple helped me to see that I complain too much and where does it get me?  I was face to face with how I should be acting on a more regular basis.  The church puts us with people who have walked more of life than we have and we can listen and observe how they have navigated it.  The godly elderly of the church can show us gratitude and grace in the midst of our greedy and "grab it quick" world. 

Gabby and Vickie, two ends of the age continuum, helped me to have a memorable Sunday.  Two of God's children being used by Him and our meeting point was a place we have designated as a place to worship God, the church.

Here are a couple verses from the Bible to end this blog and the first about the youth.

Then our sons will be like plants nurtured in their youth
our daughters, like corner pillars that are carved in the palace style.

The last is about our cherished elderly.

Wisdom is found with the elderly,
and understanding comes with long life.

May we all appreciate more the young and the old that God has put around us.



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