Monday Reflections...Trusting God is sometimes hard...inspiration from an image

I think the key to the above picture is that there are 5 men who are working together to move the large stone. Maybe it started out with the man in the center. He is struggling and pushing all alone. The man to the far left notices his struggle and starts pulling from a different direction. The man behind the center man comes at just the right time to get the edge of the stone slightly off the ground. The two men to the right see a way to help and run to find a couple poles to put under the stone. The poles provide more leverage and soon the seemingly immovable object is toppled over. This would be my layman interpretation of this artwork. Trusting God can sometimes look like the above pictured block of stone. The task of following after Him requires great strength of faith. Jesus, Himself, said this of those who would follow Him after stating the block of stone that was in front of Him, ...saying, "It is necessary that the...