Monday Reflections...Easter/Resurrection Sunday and John, Eric, & Gary

Another Easter/Resurrection Sunday in the books and what a grand day it was.  I want to share with you about three men who were part of the congregation yesterday.  They are not Larry, Moe, & Curley but John, Eric, & Gary.  They are not a comedy act but they had something in common on this celebrated day.

Being a part of a local church and leading that local church puts you in the place to observe so many different types of people at different points of their lives.  Let me take these 3 men in order of my familiarity with them from least to greatest.


John was sitting in the back of the sanctuary ahead of the 10 o'clock start time.  He was by himself reading the bulletin and its contents from cover to cover.  My wandering around the pews put me in front of him to offer our welcome as a congregation and a "Happy Easter."  "Are you from Oglesby?" I asked.  "No," he said, "I'm an over the road truck driver from Washington State and heading to Ohio."  He was staying at the local hotel up the street, checked out our website for the times of the services, and probably walked down to be in church on this Easter/Resurrection Sunday.

I will probably never see John again, but for one Sunday, this local church became his place to gather with other believers to sing the songs of the empty tomb and the risen Savior.  An over the road truck driver, who happens to be a Christian, took the time to stop for God.  


Eric was also sitting toward the back of the sanctuary.  He is not alone but with his family sitting in the pew.  A beautiful wife and two grade school children along with Eric have been faithful attenders since October of last year.  Eric is a minister who was between calls. This local church became a place for he and his family to repair and prepare for the next place God would put them.  It was this Sunday morning that they received a call from a church and accepted it.  A little humor here is to ask where the church was located.  It was Ohio where the trucker driver John was headed. 

I will be in contact with Eric again because our electronics make that possible.  He has my number and email and I have his with mutual consent.  This local church, and the friendships with the men especially, offered for a short time a place for one called of God to find some solid ground before heading out again.  


Gary and his beautiful wife were sitting close to the front of the church.  This Sunday was special because the whole family was home to see them and celebrate their recent 50th wedding anniversary the day before.  They took up 3 rows of pews this Easter Sunday.  They are empty nesters, like us, and my view from the platform gave me a perspective of what it means to rejoice with those who rejoice.  What a blessing to have a time when all of the family is together in one place and that place is in the house created to gather together to worship God.  Gary has been a faithful attender for the 4+ years we have served here and pretty much for the 50 years of his marriage.  Gary and Kathy set an example for their 3 sons and their families because they met the Savior on their Damascus Road and said, "Yes Lord" to Him. 

Grandpa Gary's roots run deep in this area and with the church he raised up his family attending.  This local church became an anchored point in his life and where he and his wife were married 50 years ago is still the place he worships his risen Savior this day.


John, Eric, and Gary, not Larry, Moe, and Curley, found their way into the congregation yesterday at Oglesby Union Church.  This local body of believers of Christ was being used of Him to minister to those just passing through; those fueling back up; and those settled in for the long haul.  This is one of the pleasures of serving the local church given to those who possess the spiritual gift of shepherding the flock of God.  



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