Philippians 4:10-14 says,...

Today's verses are Philippians 4:10-14, which read, 

v.10 - But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed you were concerned before, but you lack opportunity.

Paul is so thankful for the gift of the Philippians to the cause of Christ.  He is a missionary and his needs are supplied by God's people.  The Philippians were able to help out about 10 years earlier when he was in Thessalonica and now they have been able to help again.  Paul is giving a type of support letter here of appreciation that the financial and prayer support that are so appreciated but he continues to teach them even with the thanks for the gift.  Look at these next two verses. 

v.11, 12 - Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."  Maybe that is the Psalm that is going through Paul's head.  To be content with what God has provided is a very good thing.  It puts our contentment on Him rather than on how many things we have or what kind of things we have.  Paul's physical environment has changed around him but his spiritual environment has stayed the same with the contentment of God's peace walking him through those physical changes.  Paul has learned to be content and he has learned the secret which is in the next verse. 

v.13 - I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

I can be strong or I can have strength in either abundant times or lean times.  Both of these situations have their own challenges.  We tend to think that prosperous times don't have difficulties but they do because we can get very lax on our walk with God during those times.  You need to be strong and have strength to continue to lean on God's instruction and provision rather than put Him on the shelf until it gets lean again or never take Him off the shelf because you have put your faith in what you have rather than in the One who provides what You need. 

Paul is strong and has strength not in himself but through Christ who gives him that strength.  The word here means to put power within.  Christ infuses into the believer the power to continue to be Christ-like when times are abundant and when times are lean.  This is what Paul has learned and this is the secret that he is telling them about.  The power is coming from the Lord to be content and continue on with the spiritual gospel message no matter the physical environment that he is in. 

v.14 - Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction.

Paul is not ungrateful for the gift of the Philippians.  He is telling them that they have obeyed God's leading and he is receiving it as from the Lord through the service of His people.  He wants to keep that gift in light of God rather than in light of himself.  It is coming from God and therefore all praise goes to Him.  It is not the gift or the size of the gift that Paul is thanking them for but that they obeyed God when He prompted them to supply a need in Paul's life as he continued to share the gospel.

Does your spiritual life change based on if you have plenty or if you are in need?  When you have all that you need and more, is God still seen as the Provider and so necessary because you have been entrusted with more to do His will or does God take a back seat for awhile while you play with what He has given you?  When you are in lean times and have to make hard decisions, is God still seen as the Provider and so necessary because you have been entrusted with less to rely on Him more and to see His hand provide your every need?  Do your eyes stay on God in either situation?

Those who have much have the temptation to take their eyes off of God because they think they are the providers of what they have.  Those who have little have the temptation to put their eyes on what others have as the source of happiness in their lives.  You see, both sides need to have God as the constant to keep our contentment on Him to walk us through whatever situation we find ourselves.  If you have much, keep your eyes on the Provider of that much and seek Him on how to use it for His glory.  If you have little, keep your eyes on the Provider of that little and seek Him on how to use it for His glory.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, to be content.  I don't need anymore things or money to be content.  I need to be content in You as the Provider of what I need.  Take my eyes off of my things, they are not mine, they are Yours given to me to use for Your glory.  When they become mine, then I put more value on them then I should.  What I need in my hands is not more money or things but I need my hands to be firmly in Your hands to walk me through this life.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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