Philippians 2:14-18 says,...

Today's verses are Philippians 2:14-18, which read, 

v.14-16 - Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.

Paul gets very practical and personal with the Christians in Philippian Church and also with us who are part of a local body of believers.  What we do as a church should be done without grumbling or disputing.  What we set out to do might have discussion and deliberation and maybe even come down to a physical vote but the action that comes out of the process from the church should be one that doesn't include grumbling or disputing. 

When we are united in our efforts it speaks volumes to our world which Paul describes as "a crooked and perverse generation."  We "appear as lights in the world."  The actions of the church are a great witness to the world and therefore we need to be "blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach."  That will not happen if we are "grumbling or disputing."  How do we keep from it?

Paul gives us and the church in Philippi the tool to accomplish that and we have in our hands, the Bible. We are to be "holding fast the word of life."  To hold fast is to hold forth unto others what is contained in the Bible.  We hold it forth with our words and our actions.  We use the grace of God through the cross of Christ laid out in the Bible as our "Book of all books" with reference to life.  As we hold fast and hold forth the Word of God, it will direct us in obedience to go forth without grumbling or disputing and put forth efforts that light up this crooked and perverse generation.  For Paul, this would bring great joy to see that his efforts were worthwhile based on the obedience of the Christians in Philippi to act in this way. 

v.17, 18 - But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.  You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me.

When the ancient sacrificial offering was presented on the fire, wine was poured over it.  The wine that could have been drunk by those attending was poured over the offering and it would vaporize into steam.  Even if Paul's message of joy in Christ was poured out on the Philippians and it was to be vaporized away, even if his efforts didn't result in what he described as bringing joy to his life because of the appropriate, godly actions of the Philippians, he would still rejoice and share his joy with them.  Their reaction and reception of the gospel was not motivation to share the message of the Gospel.  It was coming from his personal relationship with his personal Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  This wine being poured over the sacrifice looks like a waste when it could have been drunk by those there and Paul's life of sharing the gospel could look like a waste being poured out over those who didn't respond but their response in the negative would not diminish his sharing of the joy with others.

Lastly, Paul invites these good Christians of Philippi to do the same.  He invites them to share this gospel with others, to those who respond by answering God's call and to those who do not put their hands in the open hands of Jesus.  Share with Paul in the joy of sharing the gospel, not matter the result, as he did to this crooked and perverse generation.  Again, this joy can not be experienced, even a joy that rides above rejection and the pressing on instead of giving up, if we are grumbling or disputing.  Hold fast and hold forth the Word of God to our lives and to the lives of others as the beacon of light that we walk in.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, how does the world see the church?  Do they see us grumbling or disputing?  Is this because we have not been holding fast to the Word and holding it forth out to others?  I believe that we have not brought You the joy that You deserve because we have been discarding the Book You have given to us which is the light we walk in.  May we bring You joy with our obedience in actions no matter the possible negative response of the hearer.  May what is in us that You have put there be poured out on this world, and if it is vaporized away, not received with obedience, then what was said and done rises to You for Your glory.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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