A new book - 1 Timothy 1:1, 2 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 1:1, 2, which read, 

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Savior, and of Christ Jesus, who is our hope, to Timothy, my true child in the faith:  grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

We start a new book of the Bible today and I would like to give some background that I will be pulling from my study Bible about Timothy and the time around this book.

Timothy's name means "one who honors God."  He has a godly mother named Eunice and a godly grandmother named Lois.  They were Jews who answered the call of Christ upon their lives.  Timothy's father was a Greek.

Timothy was from Lystra, a city in the region of Galatia which is modern day Turkey.  He was very young when he first met Paul and received the message of the gospel from him.  Timothy becomes Paul's disciple, friend, and co-laborer.  He is mentioned by Paul more than any other and is believed to be Paul's right hand man to carry on the mission.

Timothy is sent by Paul to many of the churches that he had started on his missionary journeys.  This letter comes to Timothy as he is at Ephesus serving as their pastor.  Timothy also served Paul when he was in prison and also spent some time in prison himself.  He was a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ with the message of the gospel of God's grace through the cross of Christ.

Paul writes this letter to Timothy after his first imprisonment in Rome about A.D. 62-64 and before his second imprisonment about A.D. 66, 67 and his death.  Timothy is serving the Ephesian church which was dealing with false doctrines, disorder in worship, the need for qualified leaders, and materialism.  This letter is called a pastoral epistle because Paul is aiding pastor Timothy through some of this issues within the context of leading the church.

We will understand some great theological truths in this book along with gaining some practical tips on living this out in our world and our church.  I am sure that Timothy read this letter over and over again as he leads this new congregation of believers.

Paul identifies himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus by the commandment of God the Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.  Paul is a "sent one" with the message of Jesus by the order of God who saves and Jesus who gives hope.  I have mentioned this before that they had a ship called the "apostle ship."  A ship could only be called an "apostle ship" if it was going from point A to point B and if it was carrying a cargo.  Paul was continually going from point A to point B under the commandment of God and he had a cargo of the message of the gospel of Jesus our hope.  This is how Paul addresses Timothy to remind him of what Paul was commanded by God to do.  He was commanded to present the God who saves through the hope of Jesus Christ.

Timothy is addressed as "my true child in the faith."  Paul spoke the gospel to him and he received it by faith.  There is this direct line between Paul and Timothy.  Paul is teaching and mentoring Timothy officially and purposely.  Timothy is enrolled in private tutoring classes with Paul.  Jesus had disciples and then he had three, Peter, James, and John that he spent more time with.  Paul disciples many young men but then he had Timothy that he zeroed in on with extra instruction and real-life applications. 

Paul prays the grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord to be experienced by Timothy.  May you know more of God's grace of salvation given through His Son Jesus Christ.  May you experience God's mercy to adopt you into His family and His hand to hold into eternity with Him rather than without Him.  May you walk through this life with the peace of God guiding your words, walk, and way.  Three little words with so much meaning when attached to God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.  We may receive grace, mercy, and peace from others but they will never match up to the impact of those words on our lives coming from God and Jesus.

Paul starts out this pastoral letter to Timothy with his purpose in life and the direction in which he is going forward in the grace, mercy, and peace of God and Christ Jesus.  Paul reminds Timothy of this fact that we need to be reminded of at the start of our day.  I leave the house today and go to school or to my job location or tend to my household carrying with me the grace of God through salvation, and the mercy of God of being an adopted child in His family, and the peace of God to be guided through this life with His words and ways.  I do not leave empty handed or empty headed.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, thank You for a new book of the Bible to walk through together.  Thank You for people like Paul in our lives who have stepped in to help us grow.  May we look at their lives and how they are still holding onto the mission You have given them and receive from them the instruction and reminders we need for the day.  May we sit down with Timothy as he reads this letter from his spiritual mentor father Paul and may the Spirit of God help us to understand and grow.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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