A little out of order, 1 Corinthians 11:1 says...

Today's verse is I Corinthians 11:1, which reads, 

"Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ."

Yes, it is just one verse today because Paul starts a new subject matter immediately following this verse that will take a couple days to cover. 

This verse is a repeat of 4:16 which says, "Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me."   

Paul also says a version of this to the Christians in Philippi in Philippians 3:17 which reads, "Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us."   

Lastly, he says it one more time to the Philippians in 4:9 which reads, "The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

Our physical actions are a tremendous tool to be used by God to help each other grow in our walk with the Lord.  We watch others.  We learn so much more from doing something with someone than just listening to them talk about something.  We have an instructor in the front of the exercise class saying, "Do what I do."  We have the sargent of the troop leading the charge up the hill with his soldiers following suit.  We have so many leaders in many areas of our lives that we look to for guidance on what to do. 

The key here is to be a leader that doesn't just speak about it but you are able to observe them doing what they are saying.  Another key is that the leader is following the example of someone else and the someone else for Paul is Jesus Christ.  We are enticed by many things in our world and many things take us down roads that lead us away from Christ rather than closer to Him so a close look at those leaders is important. 

Who are they referring to, themselves or to Christ?  Who are they referencing most, Christ or the latest book on the market?  Do you see Christ in them, in their words and in their actions? 

Let's flip this around because you are a leader to someone else and to some that you don't know that you are leader to but you are because they are observing you as a Christian in their world.  It would be scary to say what Paul is saying here but we should be able to do so because we are following those two greatest commandments.  If we are actively and not passively following Christ then the words of Him and the actions of Him are going to be evident in us.  The fruit of the Spirit is going to happen and the witness of the Gospel is going to be heard because that is the result of someone who is totally surrendered to Jesus Christ.

A looking at who we are following is in order but also a looking at ourselves because there are people who are following us.  Keep Christ in full sight on both matters. 

"Lord, we sometimes get wrapped up in people's personalities and charisma which can be mightily used by You and for You but help us to first look for You in that person rather than what is said or done.  Our physical example is so powerful as a witness that we need Your help today to keep that physical example saying and doing what You would do and say.  Thank You Lord for the opportunity to serve You and also thank you for the godly leaders in our lives that are following hard after You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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