1 Corinthians 14:34-40 says...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 14:34-40, which read, 

v.34-36 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says.  If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.  Was it from you that the word of God first went forth?  Or has it come to you only?

This is one passage that was tempting to skip over but here it is.  Let's keep in context to what we have been studying.  The church in Corinth has a worship service that is in chaos.  All are speaking in a tongue and there is no interpretation so it is no benefit to the body of Christ.  They are all prophesying with no reference to the Scriptures so anything is being said as prophesy.  Now Paul says that this is not only happening by the men of the church but also the women of the church.

The women were doing just like the men.  We know from Paul's instruction in this book that God has an order and God has given us roles as husbands and wives in the home and men and women within the structure of the church.  If the church in Corinth was not following Scripture about the spiritual gifts then it would reasonable to assume as a result that they also not following Scripture on God's order and roles for His people.

Paul is not asking women to be absolutely silent in the church not being able to talk.  Paul is speaking within the context of the passage about formal teaching in the assembly that is for the entire body together.  Paul is not talking about giving a testimony or participating in an organized service of the assembly but he is talking about the central role that is set up by God for men to take the lead role in the church as in the family to instruct the church according to Scriptures.

It looks like it was so chaotic that the wives of husbands were openly questioning them in the midst of the service about something that had been said.  I can't help but mention that I have seen this recently in the church and culture that we don't stop our conversations with each other when the event is started and some will continue on even though a formal beginning has happened to the event.  This was adding to the chaos that Paul is addressing.

In response to it all Paul asks if we were the originator of the Word of God or was it God?  Are we speaking of the authority of the Word of God or are we speaking on our own authority and therefore we can do things against the Word of God?  "Are we going to follow what the Word of God says?" is the question. 

v.37, 38 - If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment.  But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized.

Someone who calls themselves a prophet or calls themselves spiritual is only that if they recognize and follow the instruction of the Bible.  If someone doesn't follow the instruction of the Bible then they are not a prophet or spiritual is the jest of what Paul is saying here.

v.39, 40 - Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues.  But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.

Here is Paul's summary statement on this matter.  The temptation would be to stop everything but Paul says to keep going but in line with the instruction from God's Word.  All the spiritual gifts, with Paul highlighting the two that he did a comparison of with, prophecy and the speaking of tongues or languages, are given by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body of Christ.  When they are displayed in a way that is not for edification of the body of Christ then they are to stop.  They will be done out of pride of self instead of out of love for service to others.  They will be done to lift up the person rather than done to lift up Christ. 

This is a devotional so it is short and not to dive into deeper matters that are presented here.  Many of the subjects need a more formal teaching that happens in greater depth with reference to the whole of Scripture to grasp a better understanding.  A Bible study focused on the spiritual gifts or one on the biblical roles of men and women in the home and in the church would serve better to answer questions than my 5 to 8 minute devotions in the mornings. 

Let me conclude that keeping with the context of the passage, remember that spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit and not by us.  Remember that spiritual gifts are to be used to serve others and not ourselves.  Remember that spiritual gifts do not bring confusion but are to clarify who God is.  Remember that spiritual gifts are governed by the One, God, who gives them and the One, God, who instructs on how to use them. 

"Lord, we have slugged through this passage about spiritual gifts and the abuse of them by the church in Corinth.  It is interesting that the two that Paul brings up to compare are still the two in our culture that we get messed up on in the church.  We still need to follow Your instruction on how Your gifts to us are to be used.  Help us to follow that instruction so that we can serve others out of love instead of serve ourselves out of pride.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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