1 Corinthians 12:4-7 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, which read, 

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.  And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord.  There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.  But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

Paul opened up the conversation about another issue in the Corinthian church with yesterday's devotion.  Things had crept into the church that were not of the Spirit and they needed a warning and teaching on what was of the Spirit and what was not.  The first red flag was someone saying at one point "Jesus is accursed" and then in the next breath saying "Jesus is Lord."  The pagan religions had manifestations that brought and attracted people's attention.  Where the things of the Holy Spirit just the same as those?  Paul is giving this instruction so that they would not be unaware in this matter. 

A gift of the Spirit is not the same as a natural talent.  The Spirit can use a natural talent for the glory of God but a gift of the Spirit is sovereignty given to the believer by God.  A natural talent can be possessed by a believer or a non-believer but a spiritual gift can only be possessed by a believer because of his or her relationship to Jesus as Lord. 

The spiritual gift given by the Spirit is for the common good of the body of Christ.  This could be another red flag when the manifestation of what is presented is just for the person who is displaying it.  Spiritual gifts edify the body of Christ with the message of Jesus Christ and are not used for self-glory. 

In verse 4 we learn that the spiritual gifts given by God are many in kind and we will be exploring them as we go along.  We have the third Person of the Trinity in this verse with the mention of the Spirit. 

In verse 5 we learn that the spiritual gifts given by God are for the ministry of others and we will also explore what those look like in the life of the church.  We have the second Person of the Trinity in this verse with the mention of the Lord. 

In verse 6 we learn that the spiritual gifts given by God have a powerful effect on the body of Christ.  We have the first Person of the Trinity in this verse with the mention of God.  Paul states again that the spiritual gifts that believers possess are from God and the workings of those spiritual gifts are through God in the life of the believer.  Every believer has a spiritual gift given by God for God to use for the edifying of His church. 

We had discussion of this a couple of weeks ago in our combined adult Sunday School class.  The greatest way to know how God has gifted you with a spiritual gift is to have input from other Christians around you who share what they are experiencing and seeing in your life through your actions with others in the body of Christ.  This is much more valuable that sheer knowledge of what the different spiritual gifts are or marking yes or no on a spiritual gift test.  You will probably read or hear me say this point over and over again through these three chapters. 

For today, spiritual gifts are given by God for the glory of God and to edify His church.  They embrace the work of the Trinity and so there are a variety of gifts to serve a variety of ministries with a variety of effects to get the message of Christ out to the world.  A red flag today is that if some manifestation is self-proclaimed and presented for self glory, then it goes against the definition of what a spiritual gift is given by God to His children. 

"Lord, we have a God given purpose here on this earth.  We have a God given purpose in the life of the church through the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.  You will supernaturally give us abilities to serve within ministries that declare You as Lord.  As we serve, may our focus be on serving You and not on what spiritual gift we have.  It really doesn't matter if I even know what it is, but that I know that You are using me to reach others with the saving message of Jesus.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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