1 Corinthians 11:10-16 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 11:10-16, which read,

v.10-12 Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.  However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.  For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.

A reminder from yesterday is the issue of God's created order that Paul is trying to reestablish in the church in Corinth.  God created man first and then woman and the order is established for the family and for the church.  The church in Corinth had a visual sign of this by men having their heads uncovered in the house of worship to show the responsibility of that leadership and the women having their heads covered in the house of worship to show the responsibility to that leadership.  In the church in Corinth the lines of God's order was getting blurred.

To correct the blurred lines of God's created order Paul is instructing them show to the world and even the angels who are looking on the obedience to God's designed order.  For the Christians in Corinth, the woman having her head covered showed that respect to God's way.

Again, this is not about salvation and Paul gives us in these verses the equality of that fact before the Lord.  He shows how men and women are intertwined and important to God.  Man may have been created first and woman from man but every man since Adam has come from woman.  All that is created has come from God.  Paul does not want any sex to think of themselves less or more than what they are.  He is just stressing the order that God has given to us for the family and the church.

v.13-16 - Judge for yourselves:  is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?  Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her?  For her hair is given to her for a covering.  But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor have the churches of God.

With the information from the Word of God about God's created order for the family and for the church wouldn't it be proper for the woman to act out visually to others this position just as the man should do also?  That is Paul's first question to them in light of the Scripture.

Then Paul looks at nature itself.  I did not know this but the male hormone of testosterone, given by nature, speeds up the loss of hair in men, therefore uncovered.  The female hormone of estrogen, given by nature, causes women's hair to grow longer and for a longer time, therefore covered.  In nature, men will be uncovered and women will be covered and the covering of hair for a woman is precious to her.

We blur the lines of God's designed order when we mess with nature and with what is in Scripture and to be contentious is to do this deliberately and in rebellion to and against God.  If someone is acting that way then there is no other action to be taken then spiritual discipline in the house of the Lord.  God's designed and created order is presented and encouraged for the purpose of being back in line and submission with God rather than the world around us.

I think the question on this subject is "Are we following God's order in our homes and in the house of God?"  Another question could be, "What are the visual ways that this is scene in our culture today that we are following God's created order?"  We are not rebelling against it but embracing the fact that God has designed a way for us to live and we, both men and women, are to submit to it as we submit to God.  We also submit to each other.  The woman submit to the man to be the leadership of the home and church as he submits to leading God's way.  The man submits to the woman to be a servant to her to lead God's way as she submits to God's created order.  No one is better than the other for all were created by God.

"Lord, the responsibility that You put on both man and woman is important to the fabric of the family and to the church.  Living out that responsibility is our task that we sometimes struggle with both as a man or as a woman.  I pray that we would not fight against it or blur the lines of Your design but strive to fulfill what You have created us to do so that we can see You at work within that order.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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