1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, which read, 

v.24 - Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize?  Run in such a way that you may win.

When we read this verse we need to remember what Paul is talking about it.  He has been talking about the spread of the gospel and aiding in the efforts of spreading the gospel.  In a normal race, all run but only one gets the gold medal.  All put forth the effort but only stands on the top podium.

With the spread of the gospel and aiding it we are to be determined as a runner to win the prize.  We know that with Christ there is not one winner but all win who seek and serve Him but that fact shouldn't lower our determination to run hard in the direction of His calling.

v.25 - Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things.  They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we are an imperishable.

If you want to win the physical race you have to think about how much you exercise, how much you sleep, how much you warm up and stretch, how much and what you eat, what equipment you have, and the list goes on.  All this preparation might get you the top podium and the 1st place prize but that will all perish.  A green wreath was given and like all vegetation it would fade and wilt with time.

In the spiritual race we need to think about self-control in all things and Paul has been the Christians in Corinth and to us those things that we need self-control in.  Humility instead of pride, our proper relationship with Him and others, resolving situations His way and not the way of the world, and using the resources He has given us for His glory and not our own.  As we exercise self-control in the things of God what we receive will not fade or wilt, it is imperishable. 

v.26, 27 - Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

The runner is looking for that finishing tape to cross.  The Christian's tape is heaven and his sights are on it and so his actions reflect that upward aim.  The boxer looks for where to hit with that knock out punch.  The Christian looks for where he can land a punch with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He is not swinging aimlessly in the air but has trained himself to hit the mark with his words and his actions for the cause of Christ.

Paul gives his own commitment that what he is saying or preaching to the Christians in Corinth is something that he is doing himself.  The runner or the competitor can get disqualified from the race.  The Christian can disqualify him or herself by not living the life that God instructs one to and therefore miss out on being a partaker of the gospel of Christ.  Our lack of discipline to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves knocks us out and keeps us from receiving the rewards of the Christian life.

Do you have anything in your life that is slowing down your walk with the Lord?  What is keeping you from getting up with the Lord and training your life to pattern after His?  Look at the rewards that it produces.  Are they rewards that are of eternal significance or will that wilt and fade in a couple of days or weeks or years?  Sin had crept into the church at Corinth and they weren't running so well.  They were limping along and in some areas were disqualified from receiving the blessings of God.  Paul is instructing them to get back in the race with God. 

"Lord, discipline and self-control are both hard but if we value the prize at the end of the run, we will do what is necessary to go for it.  We need to see that the prize of the Christian life is like none other.  We need to throw off those things that are slowing us down to walking as You have instructed us to walk while we are on this earth.  Keep our eyes on the prize that only You can give that will never wilt or fade.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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