1 Corinthians 7:17-20 says...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 7:17-20, which read, 

v.17 - Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk.  And so I direct all the churches.

Paul is bringing up to the Christians in Corinth the issue of contentment.  In context to what he has been writing about it is related to the box we might fill out on any governmental form.  If you are single, never married then be content in the Lord.  If you are single now because of a death or because of a divorce because of adultery or desertion of an unbelieving spouse then be content in the Lord.  If you are married to a Christian spouse or married to a spouse who does not believe then be content in the Lord.

To be content in the Lord is to walk in His ways no matter the situation you find yourself in.  The situations may change and they do but your following of Christ's example and His words do not.  I am content that I have some ground to stand upon that is firm even when the world may be shifting all around me. 

v.18, 19 - Was any man called when he was already circumcised?  he is not to become uncircumcised.  Has anyone been called in uncircumcision?  He is not to be circumcised.  Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.

Paul is pointing out that the call of God is not about some outside action like circumcision or uncircumcision.  The call of God is not enhanced by anything that we do so others will take notice of us.  The call of God unto salvation is about the transformational change in us that deals with our hearts and the renewing of our minds.  It will show up outside of ourselves but where it needs to show up is in the following of God's commandments.

I was called of God onto salvation and He called me as the song says "Just As I Am."  I am to be content that He wanted me as I am on the outside to be transformed by Him on the inside to reflect His work in my life.  I will not be content when I am trying to look like everyone else. 

v.20 - Each man must remain in that condition in which he was called.

The Jewish Christians in Corinth were called by God unto salvation and they were already circumcised.  They were not to get uncircumcised to look like the Gentile Christians.  Likewise, the Gentile Christians in Corinth were called by God unto salvation and they were not circumcised.  They were not to get circumcised to look like the Jewish Christians.  They were to remain in the physical condition they were called in and allow the God who called them to transform them.  

It sounds pretty elementary but we still try to conform to others and our world while disregarding what the word of God says.  We put more emphasis on what we are doing rather than what God is doing.  We put status on the externals of our lives rather than the internals.  We think that some external physical change will bring contentment to our lives and Paul and the word of God says that it won't.  

"Lord, we adapt the ways of the world into Your church.  We concentrate on looking like everyone else or better than everyone else rather than looking at You who called us onto salvation to live a life for You in the time that we have here.  We have wasted so much of that time concerned about what others think while disregarding what You actually say.  Get us on the point of contentment today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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