1 Corinthians 7:21-24 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 7:21-24, which read, 

v.21, 22 - Were you called while a slave?  Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that.  For he who was called in the Lord while a slave, is the Lord's freedman; likewise he who was called while free is Christ's slave.

Paul has been talking to us and to the Christians in Corinth about being content.  We are to be content if we find ourselves single, never married, single because of death, or single because of divorce.  We are to be content if we are married to another Christian or answer the call of Christ after marriage and now married to an unbeliever.  Our contentment is to live holy lives in the status we are in.  We are also to be content if we are a Jew or a Gentile and not try to become one or the other but simply a follower of Christ.

Now Paul brings up the positions of status between the slave and the free man.  Paul is not advocating slavery here.  He is speaking to slaves who have become Christians while in being a slave.  He actually encourages that if there is a way to be free in the world's sense then seek it.  Paul's focus is on the contentment we have in Christ by living for him no matter if we are a slave or free in the world's system.

To put a twist on irony Paul states that if you are a Christian but are also a slave in the world's system, you really are free of the greatest enslavement of sin.  On the other side, if you are a Christian but are also a free man in the world's system, you really are a slave now to Christ.  Maybe the slaves by the world's system actually have an advantage to know how serve our ultimate master, the Lord Jesus Christ.

v.23, 24 - You were bought with a price; do not become slaves to men.  Brethren, each one is to remain with God in that condition in which he was called.

If you are a slave or if you are free in the world's system, you were bought with a price by the blood of Christ shed on the cross and therefore do not become a slave to another other than Him.  I guess the temptation would be the same as the married who find themselves with an unbeliever to divorce or escape that relationship as to the slave to run to escape that relationship.  Paul says to his brethren, no matter their status to remain with God in that condition in which they are called.  Don't run.  A great physical example of this is found in the book of Philemon and Paul directing a slave who has run back to his master.  The act of following Christ supersedes the world system that is in place.

Again, this does not promote slavery.  This acknowledges that slavery has always been with us and the church has been at the forefront to end slavery of any kind.  Our God can call people to salvation even in the midst of slavery.  Slavery does not hinder the message of the gospel and slavery does not diminish the power of the gospel. 

"Lord, being content in You and so thankful for the salvation that we have received sometimes gets covered up by what we have or don't have in the eyes of the world.  I know that if I am content in You that I will see You more and how You work all things together for good for those who love You or in today's context who are content in You.  If I am tempted to run today, I pray that I am running in the direction of Your arms so the solution to where I am is in Your hands and not my own.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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