Today's ruling...

It should never be our goal to elevate or pick out one sin of the Bible over another.  For the Christian, when sin is revealed to us through the word of God, we are to avoid it.  If we fall to the temptation of a sin, then we are to seek forgiveness and repent of our ways.

At the same time, we are not to institutionalize any known sin of the same Bible.  To say it another way, we are not to condone or participate in the making of a wrong of the Scripture into a right.  Rather, in love, we are to help each other to recognize sin and seek reconciliation to God's way and word.

In both situations, the word of God is what guides us to avoid sin or, if needed, to repent and seek forgiveness and to recognize sin as it is revealed in His word.  As Christians, we are not to relish in any sin but we are to repent of it.

I will continue to follow the Word of God as God's Word and as the supreme written authority in my life.  I will continue to preach the message of repentance of anything that the word of God identifies as a sin and also the transformational power of God given to us through the cross of Christ to obey His word.

Pastor Adam


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