2 Thessalonians 3:11-15 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Thessalonians 3:11-15, which read, 

v.11 - For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies.

Hmmmm....Paul has received word from his messengers that some Thessalonica Christians in the church are not working at all.  I am sorry to say that we also see this in our world.  We may have helped this position along.  No matter our physical condition, God can use us for His glory.  It may look different from one another but we need to work in some way for the Lord.  I can't help but think of Joni Eareckson Tada, the lady who is paralyzed but works diligently for the Lord.  It isn't our physical condition that is in question here but our mental one. 

Paul also gives us and the Thessalonica Christians what happens when we stop working for the Lord, we become "busybodies".  We mettle in other people's business.  We start talking about people instead of talking to them.  We have opinions about things we are not even apart of.  We speak with the attitude of pride rather than the attitude of humility.  Nothing positive is accomplished in this offering of criticism that is not constructive but destructive.  When we don't work for the Lord, we start working for the other guy. 

v.12, 13 - Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread.  But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.

Paul is giving a clear command with the weight of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to these busybodies to change their ways.  He orders them back to work and to start "eating their own bread".  Again, Paul is very compassionate to the poor and the widows but he is speaking to those who are able bodied in the church who are taking advantage of others.  This has no place in the church.  What has a place is the doing of good. 

When we do good, it takes energy and time.  It will fatigue us, but God will bring the time to refresh so we can continue on.  The timeout in a basketball game is either 30 seconds or 2 minutes and the half is usually about 20 minutes long and then the game resumes.  The season is not forever, but it leads into another season coming up.  In the life of the Christian and the church we need that 30 second timeout to get the next play or a 2 minute time out to rest a bit.  We need the half time break to get a pep talk from our leader before we head out of the locker room.  We also need time between seasons of work for the Lord to be totally refreshed and trained for the next season.  The point is that we are meant to play the game and not sit on the bench for the Lord. 

v.14, 15 - If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of that person and do not associate with him, so that he will be put to shame.  Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

What do we do if we have a busybody in our midst?  Paul says to "not associate with him" and that means to not "mix it up" in a public way.  Usually busybodies want an audience or a stage to use, don't give them that.  Some think this is reference to a type of dis-fellowship from the church.  That is usually a harsh term in our culture but if the person has heard clear instruction and in the face of the clear instruction still go against the word of God then something needs to happen because of what they are saying through their words and actions.  The reason for this action is not to "regard him as an enemy" but rather to see this brother come back to following the word of God.  Why do we discipline our children when they openly disobey our instruction as a parent?  Do we do this to make them out to be our enemy?  No, discipline is given to bring them in line to the unity of the family that they are in.  It's end goal is to see them enjoy to total benefits of the family they are a part of.

This command of God has been neglected many times in the church and the result is never good.  It leads to hurt within the family of God when there should have been help.  One last point is that church discipline starts and has to continue with a humble heart that is surrendered to God.

"Lord, You give many commands and warnings to Your children on how to live.  Today's is to keep working for You.  Help us through the transitions of life and our continual place in Your family to contribute.  Thank You that our positions do change but we are still on the team in a constructive way.  Amen." 

Pastor Adam


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