
Showing posts from May, 2013

Downline Discipleship....

     It has seemed lately that I have only had time to post things here that are from other sites.  So I will endeavor to write something of my own today.      We married off another child a couple of weeks ago.  That leaves one unattended but that is totally okay for now.  How important it is to have God guide this process that is for a life time.  Our garden is slowly getting planted with 2 of the 3 completed.  Saturday marks the first time back to the market to sell bread.  I am working on a new stand for the season.  The week with our children home was a great boost to Stephanie and I and the ability to have them in church on Sunday was very encouraging to me.  I need to get into wood cutting mode so I will be ready for the next winter. (can't believe I just typed that!)      The title of the blog post is a series that we have been going through in Sunday School at the church....

Great blog post to read quickly...

Five Lies Sin Tells Me by Stephen Altrogge on May 28, 2013 LIE:  This is such a minor, insignificant sin! Itā€™s not really a big deal in Godā€™s eyes. TRUTH:  Every sin is a horribly offensive to God. Sin is the sum of all evils, the opposite of all that is good, holy, and beautiful. Even the smallest of my sins required the death of the Son of God. There is no such thing as a minor sin. Every sin is cosmic treason. LIE:  Iā€™ll give into sin this one time, then Iā€™ll be done with it. I just need to get it out of my system. TRUTH:  Every time I give into a sin it becomes more difficult to break the power of that sin. Sin has a way of sinking itā€™s barbed hooks deep into my heart. I canā€™t simply sin and then walk away from it unscathed. The more I give in to sin, the more entangled I become. Sin always leaves scars. LIE:  This sin is part of who I am. Iā€™ve always struggled this way and I always will sin this way. TRUTH:  Sin does ...

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie

This film is over an hour long but is very interesting.  Gives motivation to dig up more yard for garden. ADam

It's Not About The Nail...funny video...


Slideshow of the wedding day...

Wedding slideshow of Jason & Sam

A great article to read for some self inspection...

May 24 2013 Tim Keller 12:01 AM CT Forgive Us These Faults For decades Kathy and I  have profited immensely from the pastoral wisdom of the converted slave trader John Newton. As an 18th-century Anglican minister, Newton was a good preacher, but it was as a pastor, counselor, and adviser that he excelled. His pastoral letters are a treasure chest. In one of his letters (entitled "Some Blemishes on Christian Character") Newton points out that while most Christians succeed in avoiding more gross sins, many do not actually experience much in the way of actual spiritual growth.   Newton lays out a convicting and specific example of the kinds of Christian people who coast on their strengths but do nothing about their weaknesses and so rob themselves and others of joy and God of his glory. These blemishes are often seen by their bearers as mere "foibles." Newton says they "may not seem to violate any exp...

Some new shots of my growing family...

  Phil and Anna live in Texas and have been married 5 years - Anna is our first born.  Abe and Laura live in Virginia, near Washington, D.C.  Little Evan is almost 7 months old.  Ben is living in Texas and finishing up his senior year studying for an electrical engineering degree. Jason, our youngest, just got married to a beautiful girl called Samantha and they are going to be living in Michigan as Sam finishes up her schooling at Spring Arbor. My wife of 28 years on June 1st will also be 50 this year but no one will believe her on that. It is so hard to type in words what she means to me.  I keep typing and then deleting and then trying to type again and then deleting again.  I love her sooo much. I am such a blessed man.  I definitely want to be around as long as I can to see my family continue to grow.  If Jesus returns, that is totally okay, but for the time being, I want to continue to be the father and grandfathe...

So the big day happened...

Our youngest got married on Sunday and it was a absolute beautiful day from start to finish.  I think this is one of my favorite pictures that have come in so far.      In the background are Jason's grandparents who will have been married 65 years in September.  What a shot of a couple who have been together a long time and a couple who are just starting out.  Both couples look so happy.  I am thankful for my wife's parents who have given all around support to us and our children.  They have been there for all the special events of our lives.   Adam

The tale of the numbers...or by the numbers...

     Back in December of 2010 I was having symptoms that needed to be checked out.  In January I would find out that I had cancer.  So I was in the family doctor's office for my annual checkup and to discuss my symptoms and possible tests to determine what was wrong.  At that time I had my normal blood work done.      Fast forward ahead to this month in 2013.  I have just had my first annual checkup by my family doctor since that time.  I was handed over to the surgeon and oncologist for my care and so blood was taken very regularly but not the work up for cholesterol and the like.  So here is my first comparison since that time.      Before I share the numbers, I want to say that the only thing that I have done differently is my change in diet to a more plant-based, no processed food regiment with juicing and vita-mixing as part of my daily intake.  I am pretty active but I have not been ...

I am has been a while...

     With a wedding approaching and all the kids coming home and the garden to be planted and spring clean up and getting our youngest settled for the summer and the activities of the church with a men's and women's retreats and the efforts to fund all that, it has been a little busy at the Wolfgang home.  The snow has officially left the woods and we are cleaning up from a long winter.  The wood pile is down to what is in the garage so my summer will have some activity with the chainsaw.  Our garden has increased in size again this year and we look forward to the produce that comes from it.  It just seems to taste better coming from our own backyard.      Our men's and women's retreats are a highlight for Stephanie and I.  We see such growth happen at these events.  The hardest thing is to get people to make time for them.  The material presented at the men's retreat is called "Stepping Up" by Family Life Mini...

Another great teaching video...