I am sorry...it has been a while...

     With a wedding approaching and all the kids coming home and the garden to be planted and spring clean up and getting our youngest settled for the summer and the activities of the church with a men's and women's retreats and the efforts to fund all that, it has been a little busy at the Wolfgang home.  The snow has officially left the woods and we are cleaning up from a long winter.  The wood pile is down to what is in the garage so my summer will have some activity with the chainsaw.  Our garden has increased in size again this year and we look forward to the produce that comes from it.  It just seems to taste better coming from our own backyard.

     Our men's and women's retreats are a highlight for Stephanie and I.  We see such growth happen at these events.  The hardest thing is to get people to make time for them.  The material presented at the men's retreat is called "Stepping Up" by Family Life Ministries and Dennis Rainey.  I would encourage any man to watch this series.  I am praying that the 4 seasons that we saw over the weekend will end up with many of the men making the other 6 in the near future.

     I have been working with a man in the church who feels the call of God on his life.  It has been interesting because he has many things happening in his home life that has kept me on call to preach on the Sunday he was scheduled.  It finally happened and I think it was very confirming to him and to the congregation that God is calling him in this direction.  It is satisfying for me to help someone with preparing a message that I never had but gleaned off of others over the years.  It is great to see God work within the congregation and see another generation of growth spiritually.

     Another series that we are going through in Sunday School is called "Downline Discipleship" that I can't talk enough about.  Myself and our faithful attenders are getting a great education on Jesus' method and how we are to imitate it exclusively.  It is not a series just to know some more knowledge.  It is a series to "do" something about it.  It sure puts in perspective all the things we have done in the name of the church that really weren't part of the plan but became more important that Jesus' instructions.  God help us to get back to the plan.

     I am waiting for results of my blood tests at my annual physical.  I last had one in December of 2010 when symptoms were appearing and confirmed in January.  I am wondering how they will compare to those numbers since I made the changes in my life since.  It has been a series of steps but since January of 2012 our pattern has been consistent so life is easier with knowing the boundaries to stay within.  I still search the web for new information and documentaries on health and nutrition and am very glad to see more of it on the mainline media.  It is a message that needs to be heard and I still want to be someone who can help anyone else with making the needed changes for the sake of health.

    Well there is the catch up.  Now back to getting the cars ready for the trip and getting everything in line at the church for our absence and thinking about the bread market season and fulfilling some home owners association duties. 



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