
Showing posts from 2021

Reflections from another Christmas season...sermon posts...Luke 1:39-80

  This is a twofer sermon post with a short devotional from Christmas Eve and the sermon from Sunday, Dec. 26th.  I am walking slowly through Luke 1 & 2 to glean as much from the first Advent account.  The picture above shows an example of what old priest Zechariah might have wrote upon during his nine months of silence. Elizabeth and Zechariah in the face of popular opinion that didn't give up after the first "no" stuck with "His name is John."  "His name is John"  is synonymous for me as "I hear what you are saying but God has said...."  At times popular opinion might look logical; it may have been voted on; and we may look like the unloving position to stand opposite of it but what God has said we need to continue to live by with ever increasing love and grace. The god of popular opinion many times wants to change the story line.  We see that with the major religious days of the church calendar.  We have changed or added to the first ...

The 4th Sunday of Advent...sermon post...about a month later

  At Weymouth Community Church we are preparing for the lighting of the Christ Candle on Christmas Eve.  The songs have been selected; the individual candles are ready for distribution; and the logistics of conducting another service and one being with very limited lighting are being ironed out.  I think of Christians all over the world gathering to sing about the One who has come and is coming again! Our sermon this week covered baby announcement and reveal #2.  The angel Gabriel first met Zechariah the priest and now he meets Mary the virgin.  It warranted another chart as these are side by side in the Scriptures. Also, we added to the gospel explanation through the definitions of the names of the characters of the Advent of Jesus. “God remembers” - Zechariah “God is faithful” - Elizabeth “God brings grace” - John “God will add” - Joseph “A rebellion” - Mary “God saves” - Jesus The God who remembers (Zechariah) after 400 years of silence is faithful (Eli...

Third Sunday of Advent..."about 9 months earlier"...sermon post

  I have been really concentrating on making each meeting at the church during this Advent season focused on Jesus' birth.  What is the big story?  What led up to this event?  Who are the characters?  What was the purpose of it all?  How does this change our time together as families and church families?  Every time the church gathers over this time I want us to be saturated with a different message than what we have been bombarded with throughout the week.  This is a message that needs to be proclaimed that good news has come to the world that God created and so loved. This week we are introduced to Herod the Great, Zechariah, Elizabeth, John and the angel Gabriel.  The events of the birth of John the Baptist are critical to the birth of Jesus the Messiah because the Scriptures tell us that a messenger would come before Him to proclaim who He is.  John the Baptist did this when he pointed to Jesus and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who ...

Second Sunday Of Advent...What Did They Know?

  The manger now has hay/straw in it.  Another Sunday of Advent has past leading up to the Christmas Eve service.  Another Advent candle has been lit and some more Scriptures have been read about the coming Messiah.  All our songs speak of Him and we are re-introduced to the characters of Christmas through them (angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, etc.).  The anticipation is growing and this Sunday walks us through many passages of what they, the Israelites, knew of this coming Messiah from the Old Testament. As one who lives after the first coming of Christ, His life, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension, we listen to these prophecies and easily associate them with Jesus.  We marvel that they rejected Him.  But we too rejected Jesus at one time.  It wasn't until our eyes were opened by Him to see Him as the Messiah who had come that we embrace Him with our repentance, submission and obedience.  We were just as blind as they and needed...

First Sunday of Advent...Galatians 4:1-7...The When, What, and Why of Christmas

  Another manger (feeding trough) made for the purpose of assisting the church through the Advent season.  Not made by me but a long time member of WCC who has such a heart for God.  The manger starts out empty and bare but each Sunday it transforms into so much more.  The children come into the sanctuary and check out the manger each Sunday to see what has changed.  It is front and center so I can refer to it often in the sermons of Advent.   The first sermon of Advent is one I have done before a couple of times.  The passage is Galatians 4:1-7 and we hear the Christmas event in verses 4 and 5,  "But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons."   It is great to read from the 1st century writers how they tied salvation to the manger scene.  Really, it is incomplete unless we tell why...

Thanksgiving post and Christmas is coming to Weymouth!!!

  "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."  at Weymouth Community Church.  But not before a great all-church Thanksgiving meal and service.  God's family gathered here to share a meal; have some table fellowship; and then top it off with the worship of God and an opportunity to share our gratefulness to be a part of God's family at Weymouth.  This is when you stand back and observe why God set up His plan the way He did with His discipleship "pods" all over the world.   Before I forget, here is a great article on Thanksgiving!  Read about a regional day, a national day, a heavy day, a happy day, and a thankful day. The white board session of the "3 circles of Weymouth" produced a 57 minute sermon.  It is a message that will be reproduced again with refinements because churches are similar because we are following the same book.  This is not the only str...

Malachi finished!...Malachi 4.4-6...I Love Whiteboards!!!

  I love whiteboards!  I love drawing out graphics and when I can use them to help explain a Biblical principle, it is a bonus.  This is what I will forever refer to as the 3 Circles of WCC.  There is so much going on here.  3 circles, x's, checks, arrows, options, abbreviations, Scriptural references, symbols, and number values.  The communicator uses all of this to make a point and it is an additional bonus if the observer will duplicate it and then share it with another.  So...this Sunday will have me with my Bible open and a dry erase marker in my hand.   Malachi ends with a great 3 point sermon. Point #1 - remember with obedience God's words As the Israelites enter 400 years of silence from God.  God, who has spoken through His prophets, pauses before speaking again through the coming of a messenger (Elijah-like, John the Baptist) and him, the coming messenger, pointing to a coming of the Messiah (Jesus).  While in this ti...

Completion...a meaningful trip down music lane...sermon post Malachi 3.13-4.3

  A big "woohoo" from me!  2 years of around the clock classes and papers but very worth it to me personally.  I did my best to take the lessons from the classroom (ZOOM style) and to purposefully bring them into the church building and among the people of God.  Some of my sermon last Sunday was enhanced by these classes.  Thanks be given to all of you who prayed for me while I was filling my time and mind beyond its capacity at times. This is sometimes my hangout on Monday mornings to read my Bible and think about the next passage of Scripture to cover.  Sometimes when I have finished this initial stage of studying the passage I just sit back and sip my caffe latte made with oatmilk (no flavorings please) and let my mind wonder back to all that God has brought me and us (Stephanie and the kids) through.  Music has been a big part of our lives because it is one way to express worship of God.  We read His word; we pray to Him; we fellowship with H...

The Church at Twilight...sermon post...Malachi 3.6-12

  Here is the church that I currently serve at twilight.  The photo was taken at the close of the day but the church, God's family, is not in its twilight.  It may look like it at times with the culture ever changing around us but God's family, the true church, has no twilight because it follows the One who rose from the grave and brought in a new day which continues onto eternity!  The sun can set on whole world regimes such as with the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Greeks, and Romans but Jesus proclaims a church that He builds and holds in the palm of His hand.   Here is a picture of my dad in front of his Old Glory which he puts out at the start of each new day and brings in at the close of the day.  At 91, he has a joy within him to sing to his helpers throughout the week of songs from days gone by.  A little man from Sterling, Michigan who sailed around the globe and hiked the great Mount Fuji, a squid and a jarhead...

The Sheepdog Analogy...sermon post...Malachi 2.7-3.5

  I picked this photo because it includes the sheep, the sheepdog and the shepherd.  I was listening to a podcast recently ( ) and they used the analogy of a pastor as to a sheepdog rather than the usual title of an under shepherd.  Jesus is the Great Shepherd and we are the sheep and many times the pastor, elders, and overseers are seen as the under shepherds of the Great Shepherd. The podcast brought in the idea of the pastor/elder/overseer as the sheepdog.  The sheepdog has one eye and ear on the sheep, the flock, and the other eye and ear on the shepherd, the Lord.  The sheepdog is running about the sheep, guiding and protecting them, and at the same time following the instructions of the shepherd and keeping the sheep moving with him or toward him.  The sheepdog also runs to the shepherd with a wagging tail because he loves the shepherd.  He is loyal to the shepherd.  He is petted by the shepherd an...

From the preacher to the people...sermon post...Malachi 2.10-16

  I thought it appropriate at this time of the year to lead with a photo taken by a good friend named Chuck from Maine.  The location is called Josh Stream.  Some of us have the opportunity to live in a place where the 4 seasons bring about their own beauty.  It has made me think of my own life and what season I am in.  What is the beauty around me that God has placed there for me to take in? A little factoid.  I have preached through Malachi before.  I did 4 sermons with each one covering a chapter.  The average sermon length was 42.5 minutes.  This time I am breaking up the book into the 7 burdens or oracles of God to His people.  So the passages are less than a chapter length but the average sermon length is up to 50 minutes.  Some might say I am going in the wrong direction! Speaking about marriage and divorce within a text is always tough because it would be a really long sermon touching on all the Bible instructs us about the ...

The Preacher...sermon post...Malachi 1.6-2.9

We cover the 2nd of 7 of God's burdens shared with the Israelites after they have returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon.  They have returned to build a new temple under the leadership of Zerubbabel and rebuilt the city walls under the leadership of Nehemiah.  These great accomplishments are also accompanied by an old friend, a disregarding and disobeying of the God who made it possible for them to be back in the Promise Land. God speaks through Malachi the 1st burden.  God has loved them but they have not loved him back.  How do we know?  They are continuing in their disobedience.  They are complaining about their present situation and disregarding God's covenant permanent redemptive plan of His people.  We can do the same today even as the people of God.  We make conclusions on what is presently happening and relying on what man says rather than holding firm to what God has said is the final outcome. The 2nd burden is directed to the ...

Family drop ins to church...sermon post...Malachi 1.1-5

  We just love it when family drops in on a Sunday to worship with us!  My younger brother Tom (which is pretty obvious) and his wife Tamara swung into Weymouth Community Church to catch the intro sermon to the book of Malachi.  I am humbled to have family members listen to one of their kin speak about the words of our God.   This is the first sermon in the book of Malachi.  Intro sermons are always longer because part of the preparation is to set the historical context.  Where do these words of God fit into the whole plan of God?  Malachi will give us 7 " burden " statements of God against His own people, those who have returned to Jerusalem from the exile to Babylon.  The smaller temple and city wall have been completed but departing from God's instruction is still happening.  Malachi addresses the disobediences of the day and we will see some similarities in our day. God makes a statement:  "I have loved you." Malachi respon...

Always learning...the cursed fig tree...sermon post of progress

  I love figs.  I also love those little rectangle cookies called fig newtons!  (No sponsorship from them.)  This fig tree shows how massive these types of trees can become.   I was listening to a lecture by Tom Schetelich titled An Unhurried Urgency  and he referenced Mark 11.12-14 and Jesus' encounter with a fig tree before entering into Jerusalem.  Here is the passage and then some notes that I jotted down.  (Follow the link to listen to the whole message.) Mark 11.12-14 12 - And on the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. 13 - And seeing at a distance a fig tree that had leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14 - And He answered and said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!"  And His disciples were listening.  (LSB) Jesus could see from a distance that this was a fig tree.  He c...

A new cap...a sermon post of James: James 5.13-20

  I bought Stephanie and I a couple new "caps" so we would fit in at the Cleveland Indians baseball game.  A friend from the church couldn't make the game so we received the opportunity to go with another wonderful couple from the church, Russell and Carol.  We watched a "no hitter" but it wasn't in the home team's favor.  One of the beautiful aspects of this picture beyond my wonderful wife is another couple who have graced our lives.  God has wonderful people all over this country who love their local church.  We are so thankful to be co-laboring alongside of them at Weymouth Community Church. I also called this post a "recap" because I start the sermon with a couple of "take aways" I will remember through our study of the book of James.  16 sermons in total that we started the first Sunday in May. James loves illustrations and pointing us to Bible heroes. James wants us to compare man's way of doing things with God's pr...

Back in the saddle again...sermon post...James 5.7-12

  I thought this picture was a good representation of what happened to us during the last couple of weeks.  We were just riding along and the horse stopped.  I am thankful that we are back in the saddle and Sunday was an opportunity to preach from the pulpit again.  Pastor James came out again as he was instructing us on how we are to live. James gives another illustration for us to ponder.  The farmer is taking advantage of the early rains and getting in his seeds.  He will also take advantage of the latter rains to finish off his harvest.  What does the farmer do with the time in between planting and harvesting?  If you have worked on a farm you know that waiting for the harvest is full of activities related to the harvest. Jesus came a first time in a little town called Bethlehem to seek and save the lost.  Jesus lived, died, rose again, and ascended into heaven with the promise to come a second time to judge the living and the dead. ...

I think "it" brain rivals Chemo brain...sermon post...James 5:1-6

  Not so flattering picture of me (I am dealing with "it" at the moment) but it is a grand flag.  Don't tell my dad but this is his birthday present for making it 91 years!  It is completely made in the USA and I am sure he will love putting it out each day, weathering permitting, at his mobile in Florida.  He served in the Navy and the Marines and I couldn't think of a better way to start the post with than a reminder of those who serve us in this way.  My heart breaks for families who have gotten news of their soldier's ultimate sacrifice this last week and also for those who are searching for ways to get their loved ones home.  It makes "it" seem like nothing in the scope of things. This is the company and this is one quality flag.  The pole is white ash from Vermont.  Not sponsored by them or anyone but check them out if you are looking to replace your flag.  I am looking forward to presenting it to h...

"It" has caught up to us and a sermon post about True Christian Fellowship

  I kind of knew at some point I might be back to setting up another make shift studio for recording some sermons.  "It" caught up with us so we are dealing with it.  ZOOM has come back into my life also with at least 5 meetings this week!   With so much going on in our world, we find ourselves praying all the more for the advancement of God's kingdom through the local body of believers.  These havens of hope keep us grounded to the message that is eternal.  Keeping focused on proclaiming the gospel in a world that is pushing so many things onto our plates to navigate has become challenging but we are praying for some new stories to tell that come out of the fellowship. The practice of inserting a stand-alone sermon between the chapters of James I think has been beneficial to address some topics that might be better to talk about now rather than later.  After chapter 1 came a sermon on the sacrament of communion; after chapter 2 came a sermon on...

Gifts along the way and sermon post - James 4:13-17

  After Sunday's sermon and standing in the foyer greeting people, I was presented with this beautiful artwork from the children who were in children's church.  I have received these over the years and I am always taken back by the love of the children.  I am thankful for the parents and workers who help our children understand the importance of the church leadership in their lives.  I do think as a church leader that I need to take seriously how I connect with the "little ones" of the church.  Jesus, at times, stopped everything to pull them up onto His lap.  A good question to ask myself as a church leader, "What are my connection points with those who are below my usual line of sight?" We finished up the 4th chapter of James this Sunday which means next Sunday will be a stand-alone sermon before heading into chapter 5.  I am thinking about preaching on what true Christian fellowship looks like and why it is so important.   This week we ad...