Back in the saddle again...sermon post...James 5.7-12


I thought this picture was a good representation of what happened to us during the last couple of weeks.  We were just riding along and the horse stopped.  I am thankful that we are back in the saddle and Sunday was an opportunity to preach from the pulpit again.  Pastor James came out again as he was instructing us on how we are to live.

James gives another illustration for us to ponder.  The farmer is taking advantage of the early rains and getting in his seeds.  He will also take advantage of the latter rains to finish off his harvest.  What does the farmer do with the time in between planting and harvesting?  If you have worked on a farm you know that waiting for the harvest is full of activities related to the harvest.

Jesus came a first time in a little town called Bethlehem to seek and save the lost.  Jesus lived, died, rose again, and ascended into heaven with the promise to come a second time to judge the living and the dead.  We are living in the time between the early and latter rains, the Seed has been planted and we are looking forward the great harvest of souls.  Like the farmer, our patient waiting is full of activities related to the harvest.  

We establish our hearts on the fact that Jesus is coming again.  We don't use the time to grumble with each other but we get our inspiration from Bible heroes like Job who displayed a steadfastness while he waited for more answers.  And most of all, we speak truthfully during this time while the world is speaking whatever is popular, easy, and self promoting.  

My good pastor friend, Doug Bradshaw, shared a personal story in a sermon preached at my first pastorate some 35 years ago that I hold onto to share from church to church.  The fishing trip was planned with a group of guys from the church.  A road trip towing their boats to a rented cabin on one of the bays on the northern shore of Lake Michigan was planned.  Once they arrived, it was raining but they had a cabin to explore, food to prepare, and games to play.  The next day it was raining but they filled the day with restaurants and some sight seeing of nearby waterfalls.  The next day it was raining but now the fishermen who came to fish started to fight with one another.  

This is what happens so many times in the church.  When we, who are fishers of men, are not fishing for men, we turn to fighting with each other.  Instead of thinking and being focused on the harvest we start nitpicking on each other to satisfy our preferences.  We start wasting the vapor of time we have in this gap and miss out on the experience of being used by God to prepare for His great harvest.  

Thanks Doug for an illustration that keeps me focused.



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