Malachi finished!...Malachi 4.4-6...I Love Whiteboards!!!


I love whiteboards!  I love drawing out graphics and when I can use them to help explain a Biblical principle, it is a bonus.  This is what I will forever refer to as the 3 Circles of WCC.  There is so much going on here.  3 circles, x's, checks, arrows, options, abbreviations, Scriptural references, symbols, and number values.  The communicator uses all of this to make a point and it is an additional bonus if the observer will duplicate it and then share it with another.  So...this Sunday will have me with my Bible open and a dry erase marker in my hand.  

Malachi ends with a great 3 point sermon.

Point #1 - remember with obedience God's words

As the Israelites enter 400 years of silence from God.  God, who has spoken through His prophets, pauses before speaking again through the coming of a messenger (Elijah-like, John the Baptist) and him, the coming messenger, pointing to a coming of the Messiah (Jesus).  While in this time of God's silence, they are instructed to remember with obedience God's words (the laws of Moses).

We, as Christians, living in a time (2000+ years) between Jesus first coming and His second coming, are instructed to remember with obedience God's words (" these last days spoke to us in His Son,...This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!).

Point #2 - live in light of God's plan

The Israelites were told of God's plan of a coming messenger (Elijah-like) who would point to a coming Messiah who would come first as a refiner's fire refining what is precious but then there would be a moment (the day) when He, the Messiah would come as an oven and purging what is evil.  The Israelites are to live their lives in light of God's plan.

We, as Christians, live under the same plan of God.  The messenger (John the Baptist) has come and he pointed to Jesus as the Messiah who has also come.  Jesus came as a refiner's fire and has given this message to those who have been refined to share to the ends of the earth.  The next thing in God's plan is for Jesus, the Messiah, the come again to purge His kingdom of evil.  We, as Christians, are to live our lives in light of God's plan that is still unfolding.

Point #3 - proclaim God's solution

The Israelites were told that a heart change needed to happen.  As the heavenly Father has loved them, the earthly fathers were to love their children and in turn the children were to love their fathers.  An inward change was needed so a desired outward action would happen.  It would result in experiencing the blessings of God rather than the wrath of God.  

We, as Christians, speak of this heart change that is needed to escape the wrath of God and experience the blessings of God.  Our eyes are turned outward toward God and others because we have responded in repentance and faith to the One who came and is coming again.  We boast of God's mercy, personally experienced, and proclaim His solution to our dilemma.  

Malachi ends with anticipation of a coming messenger and Messiah and we share in that act of anticipation for the Messiah coming again.  We who fear God and honor His name, the remnant - Group 3, (Group 1 reject God, Group 2 acknowledge God, Group 3 fear God) hold in obedience to His words, live our lives according to His plan, and proclaim His redemption message to the world.



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