Wednesday in the Word...John 10:7-10..."the" door

Wednesday in the Word for July 31st, 2019 is John chapter 10 and verses 7 through 10. v.7 - So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep." This is the third "I am" statements of Jesus. He has told us "I am the bread of life" in John 6:35 and "I am the Light of the world" in John 8:12. Jesus alludes to being the good Shepherd in verses 1 through 6 but will formally say it in verse 11. He gives us the picture of a door to think about here in relationship to Himself. The sheepfold only had one entrance, only one door. The way in and out of the sheepfold was through that door. It was a door where the doorkeeper stood as he inspected the sheep as they came in and out. It was a narrow space that usually only allow one at a time so they could be counted and looked over individually. The door was a very important tool used by the shepherd to care for...