Bible reading week 20 day 2 and home again in Illinois...

Well, we are back home in Illinois after a long day of driving from Florida to Illinois and from one day into the other.  Thanks to the internet and a lot of podcasts that kept me occupied while driving.

The lawn is very high and so that will be a chore of the day but we are also picking fresh greens from the garden for our morning juice so life is good.  The Florida mobile is buttoned up for the summer and now we are onto a very needed garage sale to happen to continue to de-clutter our lives.

Our 4th child will be home this weekend, which was a surprise but a very welcomed one.  He is finishing up his studies at Moody with some accelerated courses on campus.  God has provided for all our children to seek higher education if they felt called to do so.  Here is also a link to his first sermon at the Croswell Wesleyan Church that he is serving as youth pastor.

Have a great Tuesday.  --Adam--


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