
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Priest With Dirty Clothes by R.C. Sproul

Here is another story by the late R.C. Sproul titled "The Priest With Dirty Clothes."  I was able to share this with the children of our church during story time.  --Adam--

Ecclesiastes 6:1-6 says,...Bible reading, week 5, day 3

Today's verses are Ecclesiastes 6:1-6, which read, v.1, 2 - There is an evil which I have seen under the sun and it is prevalent among men--a man to whom God has given riches and wealth and honor so that his soul lacks nothing of all that he desires; yet God has not empowered him to eat from them, for a foreigner enjoys them.  This is vanity and a severe affliction. Solomon continues his conversation about wealth.  He introduces an evil that is prevalent among us.  We have a person who has received much from God.  God has put us in a place to have riches, obtain wealth and gain honorable admiration from others.  These things, riches, wealth, and honor are very satisfying and we use them to fulfill our desires.  We fall head long into the consumerism mentality as bringing last fulfillment to our lives.   Something happens to this one who has been given so much at it is that God takes it away.  He or she is not empowered to eat fro...

Bible reading, week 5, day 2

Here is the next installment in our Bible reading plan.  We finish the book of Galatians today.  We have made it past the 21 day habit forming limit so maybe this is a sign we can complete this.  --Adam--

In between chapter devotional and Bible reading, week 5, day 1

Today's devotional is an in between chapter variety.  I have been reading a small book called  "Immeasurable - Reflections On The Soul Of Ministry In The Age Of Church, INC."  by Skye Jethani.  It is composed of 24 short chapters, each containing a different subject about a topic pastors and churches deal with in our day.  Let me give you some thoughts from chapter 2 titled  "Effectiveness."   Skye starts off with this great illustration about the subject. "Compare two leaders.  Leader A lifted an entire nation in a time of despair.  He mobilized his people against unimaginable odds with a clear vision and inspiring passion.  He launched a movement that has impacted literally everyone alive today.  He set in motion an industrial and scientific revolution that produced the first computer, the first jet airplane, began human exploration of space, and unlocked the mystery of nuclear energy.  Almost every aspect of the mo...

Sunday morning radio broadcast

Our phrase this morning is "be fruitful and multiply."  I hope you have a great Sunday and an opportunity to be in a house of worship of Him.   Adam

Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 says...Bible reading, week 4, day 5, and a picture!!!

Today's verses are Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, which read, v.18 - Here is what I have seen to be good:  It is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward. Last time Solomon focused on the negative of wealth held instead of used for God's glory.  The picture was someone clinching with a closed hand what God has given and then losing it all.  He then is faced with a situation, a born son, who comes and he is unprepared.  This person spends his days in darkness and so the question is,  "What could it look like with a proper perspective of wealth given to us by God?" Solomon has seen this and he calls it good.  It is a person who acknowledges that what he or she has is God given and even the very life that they have received.  It is also a person who is laboring rather than being a sluggard.  Solomon says  "it is appropr...

Bible reading, week 4, day 4...

Here is the Bible reading for the day.  We will be completing the book of Genesis soon and onto Exodus.  Hope you have a great day! Adam

Ecclesiastes 5:13-17 says,...Bible reading, week 4, day 3

Today's verses are Ecclesiastes 5:13-17, which read, There is a sickening tragedy I have seen under the sun:  wealth kept by its owner to his harm.  That wealth was lost in a bad venture, so when he fathered a son, he was empty-handed.  As he came from his mother's womb, so he will go again, naked as he came; he will take nothing for his efforts that he can carry in his hands.  This too is a sickening tragedy:  exactly as he comes, so he will go.  What does the one gain who struggles for the wind?  What is more, he eats in darkness all his days, with much frustration, sickness, and anger. Solomon continues the discussion about wealth and more importantly what we do with the wealth that we have.  God gives us the opportunity and the ability to be productive and that brings to us more than what we need at times.  What does a person do with what is extra?  This is the question and one answer is to keep it for selfish reasons or as ...

Bible reading, week 4, day 2

Good morning all.  Here is the next installment of the Bible reading to go through it in a year. Adam

Ecclesiastes 5:8-12 says,...Bible reading week 4, day 1

Today's verses are Ecclesiastes 5:8-12, which read, v.8, 9 - If you see oppression of the poor and denial of justice and righteousness in the province, do not be shocked at the sight; for one official watches over another official, and there are higher officials over them.  After all, a king who cultivates the field is an advantage to the land. Our devotion starts with a common solution to our daily problems in society.  Let us let government solve it for us.  Let us leave up to the officials who are watching over the officials to set the moral compass of the country.  We should not be shocked when we allowed those away from the situation to solve what is on our front door step.  It is hard to have compassion from afar and apply more than just money thrown at the issue.  Collected money away from where it originated tends to line pockets along the way instead of getting to the need.  It is a fact that corruption is deep in government and our g...

Sunday morning radio broadcast...

Good morning all from warming up northern Illinois.  Here is that latest broadcast dealing with important phrases from the Bible.  I pray you have a great Sunday!  Adam

Ecclesiastes 5:4-7 says..., Bible reading week 3, day 5

Our verses today are Ecclesiastes 5:4-7, which read, v.4, 5 - When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it; for He takes no delight in fools.  Pay what you vow!  It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay. Some of these verses sound like we are back in the book of Proverbs.  Last time was to guard your steps as you gather to worship and to remember who God is and who we are.  Today we are back to the tongue and what comes out of our mouths in regards to vows or promises.  These vows and promises are made to God.  How many times did you do this as a kid or maybe as an adult when you got in a jam.  You promised God something if He got you out of it.  You promised to go to church every Sunday or you promised to never do that act again.  How well did you do on keeping that vow or promise? This instruction comes with the backing of Deuteronomy 23:21-23, which says, When you make a vow to t...

Bible reading, week 3, day 4

Good morning all, You can laugh along with me as I try to pronounce all these names!!! Adam

Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 says,...Bible reading, week 3, day 3

Todayā€™s verses are Ecclesiastes 5:1-3, which read, v.1 ā€“ Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil. How often do you have a ā€œblow upā€ on Sunday morning on the way to church?  Did you ever wonder why that happens?  There is Satan not wanting you and your family to go but if he canā€™t get you to not go then why not make you miserable on the way and not prepared to worship when you get there.  It is so important to  ā€œguard your steps as you go to the house of God.ā€   It brings up how we prepare ourselves so that we can come near to listen rather than just go through the motions of religious rituals.  This reminds me of the passage in Isaiah 1 I read Sunday morning which is the answer to Jesusā€™ question in Luke 6 of to do good or do evil on the Sabbath.  It is pretty clear what God thinks about the sacrifice of fools.  Isaiah...

Bible reading, week 3, day 2

Here is the Bible reading for the day!

In between chapter devotional and Bible reading week 3, day 1

Today's devotional is an in between chapters lesson. One author that I read often and also listen to is Dr. Albert Mohler who is the president of Southern Seminary.  He has a podcast called "The Briefing" that airs 5 days a week with up to date news and a Biblical perspective on it.   He recently wrote an article titled  "Moralism is Not the Gospel (But Many Christians Think It Is)"  that I would like to refer to this morning.  This is his opening paragraph that sets the scene to talk about moralism.  "One of the most amazing statements by the Apostle Paul is his indictment of the Galatian Christians for abandoning the Gospel.  "I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel," Paul declared.  As he stated so emphatically, the Galatians had failed in the crucial test of discerning the authentic Gospel from its counterfeits." The central point to be made was that ...