In between chapter devotional and Bible reading, week 1, day 5

Today is an in between chapter devotional.  It is the start of a new year and so there are many articles out about lists and resolutions.  I found one about questions titled, "Beginning Of The Year Check-In Questions For Christians" by David Qaoud.  He basically gives 10 questions so I will give them to you along with some thoughts.  Here we go.

1.  Am I going to make regular devotions with the Lord a priority and remove all obstacles that prevent me from doing so?

So this question leads to others like, "What are the obstacles that have gotten in the way?" or "What do I need to do to open back up the space that once was there?"  Time with Jesus is a priority in every Christian's life because it is necessary to know the One we follow and call ourselves after.  It will probably apply to many of these questions but the important things in life we say "yes" to means we need to say "no" to the unimportant.  

2.  Unless there is an emergency, am I committed to attending church every single Sunday to hear the preaching of God's Word, serve the saints, and partake of the Lord's supper?

We attend all kinds of events.  The calendar is full of birthdays and anniversaries and every month has some type of holiday to get ready for.  What if we tried to attend another religious event beyond our Sunday morning every month?  It could be a conference or a concert or a camp that put God activities back onto our calendars that other things had to work around.  

3.  Am I going to preach the gospel to myself and remind myself of the grace that is available to me through Christ?

Why would we do this?  The answer is because if we don't then we fall to the world's answers to life's problems.  We focus on what is here rather than Who is there and our eternal attachment to Him.  

4.  Am I going to confess and repent of my sins quickly?

I would say that the key word in this question is "quickly."  We are all going to need to confess and repent for none are perfect, yet One, the Lord Jesus Christ, so we will need to participate in this exercise.  The question then is when.  Letting sin linger means Satan's voice is what you are following.

5.  Am I going to live deeply in Christian community and seek to bear the burdens of others?

Part of the equation to Christian community is to know others and to allow others to know you.  It is to love others and allow others to love you.  Living deeply in Christian community means that we would set our very independent spirits aside and pick up God's interdependent family.  Can you name what burden you have carried of another?  Can you name a burden of yours that someone in the family of God has carried for you?

6.  Am I going to regularly share the gospel with nonbelievers in hopes of persuading them to repent and trust in Christ?

What is necessary here is to be around nonbelievers or to recognize them.  We blow by people so fast that we don't catch their names or even if it was a male or female.  The most important thing in life that we have to share as a Christian is Christ and we need to slow down so our words and life can be heard and seen.

7.  Am I going to steward my time, talent, and treasure to the glory of God and for the sake of the church?

The volunteer pool is getting smaller and smaller at the church and I suspect many churches.  Our responsibilities are going elsewhere and along with that our energy to pour into something that promotes God.  What is the ratio of your service in the name of God to your service in the name of some other organization?  Maybe what you are doing there could be done here with a focus of eternal value.

8.  Will this be the year that I seek to find a spiritual mentor?

They are around us.  Again, this will take time.  This will take being vulnerable.  This will be admitting that you need and seek help in spiritual growth.  We have coaches and teachers to help us perfect and promote a skill in our lives so what about someone to help us keep God front and center.  

9.  Am I going to not only be discipled by others, but seek to disciple others? 

They are around us.  Again, this will take time.  This will be the most rewarding thing that you do.  This is be following Jesus' example with His 12 disciples.  Whose life are you pouring into spiritually?  If you have children or are married then those are givens but outside of that realm, who has God put in your path to link arms with this year?

10.  Will I trust God's providence if things don't go how I want them to?

Will I listen to Him when He says that I need to change my thinking?  Will I listen to Him through His word when it speaks of how I am to live that maybe was different than how I was raised?  Will I trust His provision when He asks me to give beyond what I think I have physically, emotionally and spiritually and into my financial resources that He has given me?  Will I accept the interruption as an appointment by Him to attend to something or someone that matters to Him?  I guess I have a lot of questions too.

David Qaoud ends with this sentence that I also want to echo,

"These questions are provided not to make you feel guilty, but to provide some guidance and identify potential areas of spiritual growth."

Let us pray.

"Lord, may we slowly ponder each question above.  May we see where we have pushed You out of our lives and put something or someone in Your place and the impact that is having on ourselves and those around us.  May we realize that we are here to bring You glory and how we can do so in a greater measure this year.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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