In between chapter devotional and Bible reading, week 5, day 1

Today's devotional is an in between chapter variety.  I have been reading a small book called "Immeasurable - Reflections On The Soul Of Ministry In The Age Of Church, INC." by Skye Jethani.  It is composed of 24 short chapters, each containing a different subject about a topic pastors and churches deal with in our day.  Let me give you some thoughts from chapter 2 titled "Effectiveness."  Skye starts off with this great illustration about the subject.

"Compare two leaders.  Leader A lifted an entire nation in a time of despair.  He mobilized his people against unimaginable odds with a clear vision and inspiring passion.  He launched a movement that has impacted literally everyone alive today.  He set in motion an industrial and scientific revolution that produced the first computer, the first jet airplane, began human exploration of space, and unlocked the mystery of nuclear energy.  Almost every aspect of the modern world has, in one way or another, been influenced by this man.  By the time he died at the age of only fifty-six, everyone on the planet knew his name.  Without a doubt, Leader A changed the world.

Leader B lived during the same era.  In fact, he died just twenty-one days before Leader A, but his life was very different.  At the height of his influence, Leader B ran a school with just a hundred students.  He wrote a few books but was not widely regarded.  He was beloved by his friends and family and had a reputation for being both intelligent and faithful, but at the time of his death almost no one knew his name, and most considered his life's work unfulfilled--including Leader B himself.

So, given the choice, which leader's strategies would you rather study?  Which man's life would you rather emulate?  Which leadership conference would you rather attend--the one featuring a keynote address by Leader A, or the one with a small workshop in the back hall facilitated by Leader B?  If you are inspired by the world-changing effectiveness of Leader A, congratulations!  You've chosen Adolf Hitler.  Leader B was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who was executed by the Nazis for his relentless opposition to Hitler."

Skye ends this great illustration with a key point, "My point is simple:  effectiveness isn't everything."

Skye brings up that we have created an Idol of Effectiveness.  We have raised effectiveness to be determining factor of our significance.  He brings up the passage in Matthew 7 and the Day of Judgement.  Here are verses 21 through 23.

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the One who does the will of my Father in heaven.  On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?' Then I will announce to them, 'I never knew you.  Depart from Me, you lawbreakers.'"

They were being effective and the scary part is that it says "many" were doing this and getting this response from Jesus.  We have put a high value on what we do:  how relevant we are, how much power we possess, and how much impact we have.  Skye sheds light on what is going on here with this quote, "While all of those things are measures of effectiveness, none of them are a measure of faithfulness."  

I share with couples that I counsel for marriage that the vows given at the altar are not vows of love but vows of faithfulness.  Love is already there and probably at a high level but what is needed is our faithfulness when the love is strained through the dilemmas of life.  What takes us through is our faithfulness and that is what God judges, our faithfulness.

The question is, "Are we being faithful in our attempts to be effective?"  Sometimes faithfulness is set aside for the lure of the Idol of Effectiveness to be satisfied.  Being effective is very important to a church and for a pastor but it is not the ultimate thing.  It is the thing that is celebrated by others and gives them a platform to instruct others but many effective pastors and churches have faltered in the faithfulness department.

Skye ends the short chapter with this quote,

"If we are to slay the Idol of Effectiveness then we must recapture the glorious truth that before we are called to something or somewhere, our highest calling is to Someone."

Great material isn't it?  And there are 23 more such subjects so you might get a few more of these from me.  Let us be found faithful.  Let us pray.

"Lord may we be focused on faithfulness.  May we see how faithful You were and are to us.  Help us to see when we put our effectiveness over being faithful to You.  Whatever is effective in our lives, may it be backed up or come out of our faithfulness to You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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