Some word pictures to consider...

Today we are between chapters in the book of Proverbs so let's look at some word pictures to help us as we approach the spiritual discipline of reading the Bible.

Kelly Needham wrote and article titled "5 Ways Daily Bible Reading Impacts Your Life" and gives five word pictures to think about when it comes to this discipline.  Here they are with my thoughts and experiences.

1.  A House:  Getting to Know God

You learn a lot about someone when you walk into their house.  I watch as people come into my office.  They look at the pictures on the walls.  They check out what books I have on my bookshelves.  You start to understand about what is important to me and a little bit about me by entering my surroundings.  If I am in my office then you can talk directly to me.  

The Bible is like God's house.  How do we know about Him?  Some have put a lot of stake on some recent movie or book but you really can't know about God unless you enter His house, the Bible, and look around.  You will see what is important to Him and what He has hung up for you to see.  You will find God in His house, the Bible.

2.  An Anchor:  Renewing Your Mind

A very valuable piece of equipment for the fisherman is the anchor in his boat.  He finds were the fish are and he puts out his anchor to hold himself in that spot to continue to find success.  It is heavy and some anchors have teeth on them to dig into the ocean or lake bottom to hold against the wind and waves that are desperately trying to move the boat.

The Bible is an anchor for you.  It holds you in a spot while the world is racing by you.  It keeps your mind where the Fisherman is who is training you to fish.  When you sit down to study the Bible you are putting out your anchor to grab ahold of God in a world that is trying to blow you off course.

3.  Glasses:  Giving Clarity

I wear glasses.  I got my first set in the 2nd grade.  The first thing I noticed with my new glasses was that trees had individual leaves.  It was the fall of the year and I was amazed at the new world that had been opened up to me.  I was in God's world but it was very blurry to me until I was prescribed glasses to wear to see it better.  Over the years I have had many pairs and the prescription has been adjusted to continue to see this beautiful world God has placed us in.

I need my glasses.  They are the first thing that I grab for in the morning.  The Bible is also my set of glasses.  It helps me to see clearly the truth.  God prescribes the right strength so I can continue to appreciate Him more.  I think about walking through my day without my glasses and how I would be hindered or slowed down and then I think about my day without the Bible.  It hinders me and it slows me down because my vision is not clear.  

4.  Chemo:  Killing Sin

Chemotherapy does kill cancer cells.  There are also other natural cancer killers but the idea is that cancer needs to be killed.  If it is allowed to linger it will grow into a tumor.  The tumor will require food and a blood supply that will take from your good cells.  Cancer will eventually take over your whole body if it is not stopped.

The Word of God is chemo to cancer or I would suggest some of the natural fighters of cancer.  Sin, like cancer, if it is allow to linger will grow and it will take away from the good in your life to keep itself going.  Sin will become like a tumor that takes residence where it is not suppose to be.  The Bible identifies sin and also gives the cure for it that needs to be applied daily.  Mom use to say, "Eat your veggies.  They are good for you."  You turned up your nose but did as you were told.  Well, the Bible is your veggies and it is good for you and to you. 

5.  Vocab:  Fuel for a Living Relationship

Words are so important.  They help you communicate with your world.  When you are in a foreign country and do not know the language you feel and experience the disadvantage you are in.  You try to learn a few of their words to get around.  You long to know more so that you can experience more and communicate with those around you.  You might even take classes in that language to know more vocabulary.

The Bible is words but very important words.  The Bible is the words of God.  It seems foreign at first, like you are in another country, but it is there for you to learn His words to understand more about Him.  You learn to communicate with Him by reading His words.  You get around others who are also reading His words.  You go to class where they are studying His words.  In time, you pick up more and more about Him and soon you are starting to speak His words more fluently.  

The Bible is God's house to know Him more.  The Bible is your anchor to Him in a world of Satan's wind.  The Bible is your set of glasses to see the truth.  The Bible is your cure to killing sin.  The Bible is God's words to you to learn His language to use to live life.  I hope these word pictures help you see what a precious gift God has given us with the book that is in your hands or close by.  Let's pray.

"Lord, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You that it has been given to us not just to put on the bookshelf or on the coffee table but to be in our hands.  Thank You that it contains what we need to read and apply.  Thank You that it helps us to understand and love You more.  Thank You for its comfort and thank You for its correction.  May Your Word, the Bible, be my life book today and everyday.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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