Proverbs 16:13-16 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 16:13-16, which read,

v.13 - Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and he who speaks right is loved.

We do have these relationships here on this earth with those in authority over us.  We are to love God and love others.  The loving of others takes applying the wisdom of God.  Solomon is back to our lips and mouths to give some more instructions.  Our lips are to represent righteousness.  The speaking right of our lips is to be directed to all but in this proverb to the king or those who have authority over us.  Those in authority over us have delight because their duties of justice and not exercised on those who are already living in accordance with justice.  Think of all those that the law enforcement do not need to engage because they are living in accordance to the law.  It is a delight to them to not meet you because you are speaking and living in relationship to God's laws.

v.14 - The fury of a king is like messengers of death, but a wise man will appease it.

Now we see the opposite of verse 13.  What if you do not have righteous lips and are not speaking right?  You will receive what the king or those in authority over you are directed to do in administering justice.  We are looking at authority in the best view as appointed by God to reward the right and wreck havoc on the wrong.  The wise man is one who knows this fact and that it is part of the job of the authorities to hold onto the sword of justice to keep order.

v.15 - In the light of a king's face is life, and his favor is like a cloud with the spring rain.

If those in authority over us are operating under the responsibilities given to them by God then we will also experience the benefits and favor of living a righteous life.  We are able to live life actually enjoying more of life because we are not looking over our shoulder to see if we are going to get caught for doing wrong.  We can walk in confidence and assurance as we live a life first glorifying God and it in turn loving others.  

The cloud with the spring rain comes at just the right time for the crop in the field.  It is such an answer to prayer for the farmer whose crop is at a very critical point.  It replenishes and feeds to see a great harvest.  The authorities' favor brings that to our lives.  It can be a great motivator for more growth in the life of the righteous person.  What if there was a tremendous reduction of evil in the world?  What would the authorities do?  They could spend more time being the cloud of spring rain to those who are in favor with God.

v.16 - How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!  And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.

"Silver and gold, silver and gold" was the song from one of the children's Christmas stories on TV.  How we equate those two precious metals with wealth and power.  God gives us His two precious metals and they are wisdom and understanding.  His wisdom and understanding are better and to be chosen over the world's silver and gold.  One of the describing words for "better" is "beneficial" and one of the describing words for "to be chosen" is "to be selected."

Am I in the act of getting wisdom and choosing understanding from God?  Do you see the action steps here?  It is us reaching out and putting forth effort to know of God's righteous words and ways to follow after.  It is us putting ourselves before our Bibles and in Bible believing communities of disciples to worship and fellowship.  It is us being accountable to others and the authorities with lives that reflect what we are getting and choosing.  Are you actively feeding your soul with the wisdom and understanding of God?  It makes a huge difference on your ability to love God and others.  Let's pray.

"Lord, we see some of the benefit of following after You in our relationship with those in authority over us.  When government is right by Your standards, Your people live and walk in favor because all are following after You.  May I feed my soul today and everyday with something more precious than silver and gold.  May I actively seek out Your wisdom and understanding.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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