Proverbs 15:30-33 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 15:30-33, which read,

v.30, 31 - Bright eyes gladden the heart; good news puts fat on the bones.  He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.

What are bright eyes?  Bright eyes are clear eyes that are not clouded by anything foreign.  There is a sparkle in the eye because it is focused on what is right and true.  There is an optimistic outlook because of something deep within that is held to.  When you see bright eyes on another, especially the next generation when it relates to following after the wisdom of God it does gladden the heart.  

Fat on the bones used to be a way to see that life was going good.  You had enough to eat that put some meat on you for any lean times ahead when there wasn't enough.  It was a sign of health.  In this verse it is good news that shows health and the good news that Solomon has been giving us is the wisdom to follow after God, to fear Him with reverence and obedience.

Another body part mentioned here is the ear that specifically is listening to the reproof or correction of the Lord.  Those who listen to God's words and ways and commit to walk in His footsteps will dwell among the other wise who are doing the same.  We usually think of someone who is wise as someone who knows it all or has that quality just bred into them but those wise described in the Bible are those who are being subject or submitted to the fear of the Lord.  They are wise because they bow to God and listen to His life-giving instruction.  

Let's put it together.  A wise person is one who has bright eyes that are focused on God.  A wise person is one who is taking in the good news of God and it brings health to weather whatever life brings.  A wise person is one who continues to listen to instruction from the One who really does know it all and finds company with others who are doing the same and adjusting course to be in step with Him.

v.32 - He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.

This discipline is so necessary to the Christian's life.  These corrections that are made through the understanding and applying of Scripture are essential for our spiritual growth.  The neglecting of this practice injuries yourself.  

Have you been neglecting the instruction of the Lord?  It is as simple as not attending church where the word of God is preached on a regular basis.  You are neglecting to sit down with your Bible to read for His Word to speak directly to you.  You have created the attitude that you don't need that as much as you did before or you can make it up later when your time is right.  The wise one is the one who listens and he or she who is listening acquires understanding.  It is through the act of listening to God that this comes and continues to come.  

v.33 - The fear of the LORD is the instruction from wisdom, and before honor comes humility.

We can't get too far from the phrase "the fear of the Lord" in the book of Proverbs.  It is the definition of wisdom.  Those who are wise fear or reverence with obedience the Lord.  They bow to Him; they follow after Him; and they get disciplined by Him.  The wise are only called wise and given that honor because they first have humbled themselves before the Lord.  

Our society is all about fame and even better yet, quick fame.  The 15 second video has gone viral.  The momentary limelight event gets much more press than the steady behind the scene humble person who does what is right because of following after the Lord.  We put a lot of value on that blip when we should be looking at what God describes as an honorable person.  The flashy is just that, flashy but the faithful don't always look flashy probably maybe never flashy but their internal flame doesn't go out because what is fueling their lives comes from a fear, a reverence to honor the God who gave them physical life and eternal life.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we need our definitions to be Your definitions.  We have accepted the world's definitions too many times and put our focus on what hits the screen rather than what is in Your book.  Forgive us for neglecting You and may our ears listen to what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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