Proverbs 16:25, 26 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 16:25 and 26, which read,

v.25 - There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

This verse or proverb lets us know how small we are in relationship to God.  We have this capability to plan and go a way but we are not to place those plans and ways above what God plans.  Our way may seem so right but it could be so wrong if it does not line up with God.  Actually, it is a dangerous place to start when we come up with a plan and then see if God fits into it.  We need to go to God for His plan and see how we are in His.  This is called being submissive to His authority.  You voluntarily place yourself under His guidance and words to follow as your way of life and unto eternal life instead of eternal separation from God.

"How can what seems so right be so wrong?"  Well, it can because we are mankind and He is God.  Us recognizing this fact is being in the fear of God to revere who He is and our depravity to need Him and His offered salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.  This is true wisdom.

v.26 - A worker's appetite works for him, for his hunger urges him on.

"Work does the body good."  The strain of the muscles and the expending of energy puts the body in a deficit to crave for nourishment and rest to continue on.  This proverb so applies also to our spiritual lives.  As a Christian we work for the Lord.  We actively carry the burden of the Great Commission to the world.  It is a strain and we feel the fatigue but that keeps us coming back to Him for nourishment and rest.  God gives and it is the best because it is truth because He is truth.  He is our organic, non GMO, no pesticides used or hormones added food for our spiritual bodies.  There is other food out there from other sources but don't settle for it.  As a Christian as we work for the Lord it serves the purpose to make us hungry for more of Him and that is a good thing.

How hungry are you for God?  If you are not very hungry for Him and His word then it is a sign that you are not working very hard for Him.  You are probably not about what He is about.  You are probably not concerned about what He is concerned about.  You are running on your own agenda and therefore eating food that feeds those ends rather than running on the agenda of God and feeding on His words.  Our hunger pains are a good indication of the devotion or lack of devotion that we have for the Lord.  Know this, if you go after God and get drained physically, mentally, and emotionally for following after Him, He will fill you back up.  What He has will replenish you.  Granted we need to keep all of this His way and not our own.  We need to eat His broccoli rather than going for our chocolate cake and only eat His chocolate cake when He offers it to us.  I guess I'm hungry this morning.  Let's pray.

"Lord, two power packed verses for us today.  We can be deceived by our own desires and plans.  We can make things seem so right when they could be so wrong.  May we trust in You.  May we receive our fuel from You.  May we serve You in a way that the necessary need for more of You shows up in our lives to propel us to be in the disciplines with You.  Thank You for the promises to refuel our following after You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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