Proverbs 9:7-12 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 9:7-12, which read,

v.7-9 - He who corrects a scoffer gets dishonor for himself, and he who reproves a wicked man gets insults for himself.  Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, reprove a wise man and he will love you.  Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.

Solomon gave us yesterday the imagery of wisdom being a solid house built and a well prepared meal that you have been formally invited to.  Wisdom is from of old and it is given out to others as something that has a solid structure and dense spiritual nutritious content.  The accepting of this invitation involves the forsaking of those things that are folly and proceeding in the way of understanding.

Solomon now gives us another side by side comparison of those who are the wise and those who are the foolish.  How does each receive reprove, instruction, and teaching?  How does the person receive correction, instruction in Biblical foundations, and the come alongside of, walk through the process together, of Biblical application?

The foolish will give out dishonor, insults, and actually hate the one who is trying to help.  Solomon instructs his sons to not interact this way with the fool because they would receive these treatments for their efforts.  

The wise will love you for it; be wiser for it; and increase in their learning.  The wise will see the value in correction that has come from another who is following after God's Word.  The wise reproving, instructing, and teaching the wise is coming from a heart of love because they are seeking the same thing, to glorify the God where the wisdom has come from.  

v.10, 11 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.  For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you.

We are back to chapter 1 and verse 7 and the premise of the whole book of Proverbs.  The wise see the value in not only knowing of the Lord but responding to that knowing with a life that gives honor and respect to Him and His words of life.  God's wisdom brings such benefits to those who follow and the wise will be wise enough to know that at times we all need to be reproved, instructed, and taught more.  

It is important to point out that the reproving, instructing, and teaching is coming from the knowledge of the Lord and His words.  It is based on the principles of the Bible and not some hot off the press new idea that seems indispensable.  I read a lot of blogs that have lists but the wise ones will have every point going back to a scriptural principle.  You have seen these, "5 ways to, 10 important things about, or 21 musts on your to-do list"  They are seeking to correct, instruct, and teach you but where is there source of wisdom on this matter?  It can be some very practical instruction but even that will need some solid house, well prepared meal foundation if it is going to be a true life change.  As we seek to give out wisdom and be instructed to correct those who are wise, let us make sure that we are operating under the principles given in God's Word and supported by it.

v.12 - If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, and if you scoff, you alone will bear it.

How do you respond to reproof or correction?  How do you receive instruction and teaching from another?  Receiving correction is always hard and our first reaction is usually to deny or deflect it back onto the giver.  I speak from experience to this as I do this very thing.  I want to justify and rationalize and make the other realize that no they are wrong.  The wise will look at carrier of the correction and where the content of reproof is coming from.  As the wise looks at the person who is attempting to follow through as Scripture says to love one another and also looks at the principle that is being given of Scripture, a change will come to ultimately be thankful for the stop of reproof that alters our course to be back on course with God.  Let's pray.

"Lord, to give reproof is hard and to receive it is also hard.  Help us to be wise and look at how You are giving us out of Your love those who are not just saying something to us in correction but also striving to live out that correction.  Help us also when we are the ones who are called upon by You to step into the path of a brother or sister in Christ to share something of Your wisdom to follow.  May our hearts and motives be that of the same love that You have for them.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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