Another between chapter devotional...

Today's devotional is a between chapter talk and we will hit chapter 11 of Proverbs on Monday.

As a pastor of a church it is very hard not to be discouraged by the lack of numbers to church events.  In our society, we base the success of the program by the numbers that are recorded.  I ask our “counter” each week about the attendance and I either winch or I walk away with a lift in my step.  This comes into play not just at the “big” meeting but also with the smaller ones.  The focus on the numbers becomes that, a focus on a number rather than the individuals that make up the number.  I know that intellectually and usually can recall all who were there to make up that number but that imaginary “good” number for any event sometimes tempts us to change it up to see us meet or exceed that goal.

To be cute, I want to give you three temptations that come into play when trying to hit that number be it morning worship, evening worship, small group Bible study, Sunday School class, or special fellowship event connected with the church. 

The first temptation is to add a coffee shop.  There is nothing wrong with a coffee shop but I use it as a representation of all those gimmicks that we add to bring up the numbers.  We put a lot of resources and time into these things that say more about us being cool than us being followers of Christ.  “If we built it, they will come” mentality comes into play and we have to ask ourselves the question, “What are they coming for?”  I am all about creativity and using things to attract attention as long as the attention is directed to Christ.  For example just look at the creativity and props we use for our Vacation Bible School program, they are over the top.  I am also for making changes around the church to serve the congregation that gathers there.  Many of those changes are just getting us up to code for safety and some are for the ease of use for normal situations and those events of emergency.  My point here is that when we resort to something that will make us cool so they will come while Christ takes a back seat to the coolness is a formula for shallow Christianity.  We need to keep our focus and message on Christ while we have the cool up to code thing. 

The second temptation is to change our conversation.  When our conversation goes away from what the Bible says as central to our teaching and replacing it with in what is happening in the world with token Bible verses as one of the answers, then we in dangerous waters.  It is the offering a softening of the message of Christ to be a feel good gospel rather than a self-sacrificing extreme commitment to follow Him.  We go toward hot topics of the day or self-help sermons like “5 steps to improve your marriage” or “10 ways to have fulfillment at your job.”  These talks could be done at any civic gathering and be a benefit but the church is proclaim the Word of God.  I am not against talking about topics and even having sermons coming out of a topic but the bulk of what is being spoken of needs to be His words and not our own.  His Word is what gives us the instruction on how we are to live no matter what the culture throws at us.  We have no permission from God to change what He has given to us to make it more palpable to the followers.   We need to be sensitive to our listeners to explain it in the best terms possible for the level of understanding they are at but we do not reduce or re-define what we are explaining even while giving it in simpler terms.

The third temptation is to just cease.  We have tried this and that and it hasn’t worked and therefore we just need to stop trying.  It was good for a season but people aren’t interested in church anymore.  The schedules are too full with other things and we can’t compete with all else that is going on.  The big “Walmart” church moved in down the road and they have all the programs that everyone wants so maybe it is time for this one to close.  You know Satan would just love that.  Just quit.  Now I do believe there are programs that are here for awhile and then gone for awhile to be brought back anew if worthy but to stop dispensing the gospel in some shape or form is not an option.  It means going back to the drawing board of the Bible and reading Psalm 42 and 43.

When your soul thirsts for God and people are asking, “Where is your God?” you are instructed to remember, hope, and call on God.  Remember who He is and hope in the eternal One and call upon Him for instruction.  His instruction in 43.3 says, “O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling places.”  When the numbers don’t add up in our minds we are not to abandon His light and truth.  We are not to abandon being led by them to His holy hill and dwelling places.  His light and truth are what lead us in holiness and intimate worship with God.  It isn’t coffee shops, change in conversations, or ceasing that put us on God’s holy hill or in His dwelling places.

The fool goes the route of the cool or the route of the comfort conversation or the route of ceasing because it would be easier. The wise goes the route of calling people to convicting conversation with God’s Word which lasts forever.  One practice might hit that “good” number but the other will give a solid base that those who are gathered will hear Christ and Him alone.  Let’s pray.

“Lord in the face of the temptation to be cool for cool’s sake or change the conversation to make more comfortable or the temptation to just cease, may we come back to Your Word and instruction.  May we remember who You are.  May we hope in the surety of Your Word and promises.  May we call out to You and listen for Your unfolding will as we live out Your will.  May our excitement come not from a number but from a revival of one more answering Your call.  Amen.”

Pastor Adam


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