Happy 2016 - Ephesians 5:1, 2 says...

Today's verses are Ephesians 5:1, 2 which read, 

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, and offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

After Paul has given two great lists of what we are are put off and what we are to put on he goes into a summary.  The Christian is to experience a transformation from the inside out.  This transformation glorifies God but it also shows as a witness to the world that something has happened to this individual.  The bad is to be put away but the void left where the bad was is not left empty but filled with the good that God directs us to be and to do.  Lets look at this summary statement. 

"Therefore be imitators of God,..."  
Do you need someone to follow?  Make it God.  Do you need someone to read?  Make it God.  Do you need someone to speak like?  Make it God.  Do you need someone to act like?  Make it God.  Our ultimate example is God.  We may have others He has put in our path to help as walk this faith in Him but they do not replace His ultimate example to follow and His ultimate sacrifice given for us. 

"...as beloved children;..."
Love is a great motivator.  We are beloved children of God as Christ followers.  We do not follow just out of duty or the obedience to be obedient to His commands but with the backing of knowing that we are loved and cherished by Him.  The motivation of love sustains us to follow when it is tough and others are choosing to glorify self rather than glorify God.  As we are responding to God in obedience He has already responded to us with an active love for and to us through His grace through the gospel of the cross. 

"..and walk in love,..."
Each step is a "love step" for God.  Each step is going in the direction of being imitators of Him.  Because of the actions of our lives, people come to the conclusion that something else or Someone else is driving the bus of our lives.  Your Driver is taking you where He wants you to go and dropping you off to present Him to those who you will meet.  Actions do speak louder than words but the actions we display need to be fueled by the actions and actual words of Jesus in our lives.  We walk this way in love because of what Jesus said and Jesus did. 

"...just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us,..." 
Our ultimate example again is Christ.  What we are imitating is what He has already displayed for us.  We are to love others and the way we love others is to live a life of sacrifice that displays that love.  What if Jesus would have said, "I love you" but didn't go all the way to the cross?  The cross goes beyond just saying to doing.  I know that I have done a lot of "saying" but the "doing" or the cross has not be evident at times.  I keep my cross in my back pocket instead of pulling it out and putting it in my hand to act in love rather than just speak of love. 

"...an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." 
Our lives are an offering and a sacrifice of God.  This reminds us of Romans 12:1, 2 as Paul gives us that phrase "living sacrifice."  When we act upon the love that we have received, a love that was backed by an action, then we are being imitators of God to those around us.  This brings glory to God.  None of what has been spoken of here points to us.  The transformation is that we go from being selfish (the old man) to selfless (the new man) and that God breaths in with delight and others take in as God uses us to share the gospel of His calling.

Where is your cross per say?  Is it in your hand or is it in your back pocket or on a self somewhere or boxed up in the attic or garage?  Where is your action of God that looks like God?  Maybe you, like me, have been speaking of God, in which we need to do because Jesus spoke much, but not extending out your hand with the cross in it to show your love to others.  May this new year be a great excuse to follow what has already been spoken of and acted upon by Christ to be imitators of God in 2016.  May we firmly have the cross of Christ in our hands as we walk in His love for us as we display His love and our love for others. 

"Lord, may You be our ultimate example that we rely upon every day.  May we search and read Your words daily to point us to what to say and how to say it and what to do and how to do it.  Thank you again for my brothers and sisters in Christ who have been there for me but they are only my brothers and sisters in Christ because of what You did to make them my church family.  May my focus of You be greater in this new year so that my actions will follow to bring greater glory to You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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