Ephesians 5:15-17 says...

Today's verses are Ephesians 5:15-17, which read, 

v.15, 16 - Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.

Because all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, therefore be awake about how you live your daily life.  Be aware of your daily conduct or way of life and that it is seen not only by God but also by others.  Your daily activities make a difference and an impact even the things that we have deemed as "little" or maybe unimportant.

To be wise in this passage is connected and probably should always be connected with our response to God's existence and His words.  To be unwise would be to disregard who God is and what He has said.  Our daily conduct and walk should be in direct relationship to God and His grace given to use through the cross of Christ. 

Why do we live this way?  The first part of the answer is because our time is limited.  Our time on this earth is not unlimited but very limited and sometimes our lives and others are cut short by our standards.  Our time is also short to the different sections of our lives.  The time that we were in school; the time that we are at a certain job; the time that we have around the dinner table as a family; the time that we worship together; the time that we know another individual; and the list goes on.  Don't assume the time and that you can somehow make it up later what you are not doing or saying what is right before God now.

The second part of the answer is because the days are evil.  The Christian lives this way because an evil is roaming that is looking to pull him or her in another direction.  There is a war going on between following God and His word and following the lies of Satan.  The armor of God is needed to be put on everyday by the Christian.  The attack of Satan can come at any time and in any place.  Don't assume that you are exempt from the influences of this evil world. 

v.17 - So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

How do I know what the will of the Lord is?  This takes us back to the spiritual gifts and the emphasis of the spiritual teaching gifts equipping us with the Word of God to know and follow it.  I know the will of the Lord by hearing, reading, studying, and obeying His word.  I am not foolish by understanding God's word and His way.

How many times I have heard someone wanting to know God's will for their lives or to receive God's blessings or an answer to prayer but they were blatantly not living God's way.  They were living the lies of Satan and walking down his wide road that leads to destruction and abusing the time given to serve God with serving self but still wanted to know of God's will and receive God's blessing.  That is foolish thinking and foolish living.

Wisdom is connected with God.  The wisdom of God affects how we live our daily lives.  The wisdom of God affects who we use our limited time in the whole scope of our lives and also in the smaller segments of our lives.  The wisdom of God affects how we interact with the world around us that is going in another direction.  The wisdom of God affects our time with Him and in His word.

Tomorrow will lead us into looking more closely at that time that we spend with the Lord.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, may I not take for granted the time and the opportunities that You have given me.  May I not look at the littleness of my life and think that it is not connected to the whole.  May I not disregard my time with You as not needed in the world that I live in.  May I see that wisdom and You are connected together and I am foolish to leave You out of my limited day.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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