Ephesians 5:3-5 says...

Today's verses are Ephesians 5:3-5, which read, 

v.3, 4 - But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

As we go through this transformation from the old man to the new man, the sin is removed and it is replaced by a walk of life that imitates God.  Our daily conduct is a reflection of that change and it will be noticed in our world and especially with those we are closest to.  A common place of change for the Christian is their language and that is what is mentioned here by Paul.

All of the sins listed here by Paul are listed because they are happening and do happen unfortunately even within the body of Christ at times.  Lets take a look at these common sins among the brethren.
  • Immorality is dealing with any type of sexual sin. 
  • Impurity is dealing with evil thoughts and intentions. 
  • Greed is an unholy desire to gain more of what is forbidden. 
  • The tongue is addressed next that was providing filthiness which was addressed in chapter 4 and verse 29 as "unwholesome talk." 
  • Silly talk is mentioned which brings in conversation that is always at a shallow level. 
  • Lastly is coarse jesting which would include jokes that are "off color" as we used to say. 

None of these actions, these sins, are fitting for a child of God.  They should not be a part of our walk with Him.

All of these have crept into the church.  Facebook of our day is the great revealer of what happens away from the four walls of the church.  The language is different there.  The posting of material is slightly and sometimes not so slightly unwholesome at times.  We use letters or acronyms sometimes to say what we wouldn't say right out in public but in reality we are.  Through Facebook we have exposed ourselves to the world and to our brothers and sisters in Christ for accountability that maybe we weren't asking for.  Maybe these would be a couple great verses to have posted on the corner of your screen to read before reading or viewing or posting anything on your computer.  "Is this fitting as a child of God to view or to say or to post?"

Again, Paul gives us what is to replace all of that and it is the giving of thanks.  I am thankful that God has given me a new standard to follow and live by when it comes to immorality, impurity, and greed.  I am thankful that God has given me a new standard to follow and live by when it comes to filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting.  I am giving thanks for the ability with His transformation on my life to live a life of holiness reflected in my actions and words. 

v.5 - For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

Paul has preached on these sins before.  This is not new information for them.  They know with certainty that a person who has this type of life is not a part of the kingdom of God.  Those who daily walk in immorality and impurity and covetousness have another god and it is not the God of the universe. 

The question this morning is what does my daily walk look like?  I know that we are not perfect but as a Christian there should be some tipping of the scale to that of following Christ more than not following Him.  Paul addressed these issues of sin with the Ephesian church because they were common in that day and the list is still common to this day.

As a Christian in 2016, you need to beware of all of these sins that make themselves known to us and also make themselves attractive to us to participate in.  The same is true today that it was for Paul.  These activities of sin are "not fitting" for a follower of Christ today.  Nothing has changed here to what is fitting for a Christ follower to be like.  Just because we have the internet doesn't give us an excuse to lower the bar for the Christian of today. 

"Lord, expose to me where I have lowered the bar in what I view and what I desire and what I say.  Convict me of my sin that I have allowed to reside in my life without the correction of repentance and forgiveness.  May the question, "Is this fitting for a follower of Christ?" come across my mind when I am tempted to see or post something on the media of my day.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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